Mitologia: le meravigliose storie del mondo antico

Alessandro Gelain

In questo Podcast, trovi le storie più interessanti dei miti greci e romani. Il mito ha ancora molto da insegnarci e talvolta, come uno specchio, è capace di mostrare meglio a noi stessi quello che siamo. Buon ascolto!

Dentro alla filosofia

Ermanno Ferretti

La storia della filosofia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Per chi suona la campanella" e youtuber.

Philosophize This!

Stephen West

Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.

Filosofia Tips & Tricks

La Taverna di Platone

Una serie che vuole insegnare i "trucchetti del mestiere". Poche, semplici indicazioni per entrare dentro i concetti più complessi - e più fraintesi - della filosofia. Seguici anche sul nostro podcast principale: La Taverna di Platone.

Il senso religioso

Fraternità di Comunione e Liberazione

Quante volte ci siamo chiesti che senso hanno le cose che vediamo succedere? Quante volte abbiamo provato un bisogno di verità, di giustizia, di amore, di felicità, che niente sembra placare? E che valore hanno di fronte al mondo le nostre idee e i nostri sentimenti? C’è un insegnante che per decenni ha sfidato i suoi studenti con domande di questo tipo. Le sue lezioni a scuola e all’università si riempivano di episodi di vita e citazioni di grandi autori. Al cuore della sua ricerca: l’essere umano di sempre, con i suoi interrogativi e la sua ricerca di risposte. Quell’insegnante era Luigi Giussani (1922-2005). E quelle lezioni sarebbero state la base del suo libro più celebre: “Il senso religioso”. Pubblicato nella sua forma definitiva nel 1997, è diventato un long-seller, oggi tradotto in più di venti lingue. Questo podcast ne ripercorre i temi, per la prima volta dalla viva voce di Giussani, registrata durante alcuni suoi corsi universitari, tenuti a Milano tra il 1978 e il 1985.

کتاب باز - صفحه رسمی


پنجمین فصل از برنامه‌ی تلویزیونی «کتاب‌باز» با اجرای سروش صحت، از ۱۵ شهریور ۱۳۹۹ ، با تفاوت‌هایی نسبت به فصل‌های پیشین به روی آنتن رفته است.. این فصل از برنامه‌ی «کتاب‌باز»‌ هر هفته از شنبه تا چهارشنبه ساعت ۱۹ در شبکه‌ی نسیم پخش و روز بعد در ساعات ۱ ، ۸:۳۰ و ۱۴ بازپخش می‌شود. «کتاب باز» که آخرین بار در ماه رمضانِ سال جاری هر روز روی آنتنِ شبکه‌ی نسیم بود، از سال ۹۵ تاکنون در چهار فصل به کارگردانی و تهیه‌کنندگی محمدرضا رضائیان به روی آنتن رفته و فصل پنجم آن نیز در ۱۰۰ قسمت تولید و پخش خواهد شد. حمید مراوندی مجری طرح و افشین صادقی‌زاده سردبیر این برنامه‌ی تلویزیونی است

Deepak Chopra’s Infinite Potential

Infinite Potential Media, LLC

What makes us conscious beings and why does it matter that we are? In his first ever podcast, Deepak Chopra welcomes a far-ranging group of guests, including Jane Goodall, Russell Brand, Dan Savage, Christopher Wylie, Jean Houston, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and many more, who have paved new paths for understanding our present and future. How do we define, harness, and elevate our minds? How can we live creatively and purposefully? What makes you…you? Join Deepak as he delves into this moment of great transformation to answer these questions…and explore our infinite potential.


Zio Giarly

Philosophy Bites

Edmonds and Warburton

David Edmonds (Uehiro Centre, Oxford University) and Nigel Warburton (freelance philosopher/writer) interview top philosophers on a wide range of topics. Two books based on the series have been published by Oxford University Press. We are currently self-funding - donations very welcome via our website

Le pagine più belle della filosofia

La Taverna di Platone

Dicono che leggere i libri di filosofia sia difficile e noioso. Beh, è vero. O forse no. Per questo leggiamo e commentiamo i passi più intriganti, che hanno fatto la storia. Seguici anche sul nostro podcast principale: La Taverna di Platone.

دیدن | تاریخ فلسفه

امیر لطیفی

دیدن دنیا با عینک فلسفه

What's Left of Philosophy

Lillian Cicerchia, Owen Glyn-Williams, Gil Morejón, and William Paris

In What’s Left of Philosophy Gil Morejón (@gdmorejon), Lillian Cicerchia (@lilcicerch), Owen Glyn-Williams (@oglynwil), and William Paris (@williammparis) discuss philosophy’s radical histories and contemporary political theory. Philosophy isn't dead, but what's left? Support us at

Theory & Philosophy

David Guignion

This channel is dedicated to the distribution of ideas so that they be made accessible to anyone. Some key theoretical domains that this channel explores, but that is not limited to, include Feminism, Gender and Queer theory, Post-Structuralism, Structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Rhetoric, Epistemology, Ontology, and Phenomenology.

Philosopher's Zone

ABC listen

The simplest questions often have the most complex answers. The Philosopher's Zone is your guide through the strange thickets of logic, metaphysics and ethics.

Philosophy, Ideas, Critical Thinking, Ethics & Morality: The Creative Process: Philosophers, Writers, Educators, Creative Thi

Philosophers, Writers, Educators, Creative Thinkers, Spiritual Leaders, Environmentalists & Bioethicists · Creative Process Original Series

Philosophy episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. We speak to philosophers, writers, educators, spiritual leaders, environmentalists, bioethicists, artists & creative thinkers in other. disciplines To listen to ALL arts & education episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winners of Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer, leaders & public figures share real experiences & offer valuable insights. Notable guests and participating museums and organizations include: Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, Neil Patrick Harris, Smithsonian, Roxane Gay, Musée Picasso, EARTHDAY.ORG, Neil Gaiman, UNESCO, Joyce Carol Oates, Mark Seliger, Acropolis Museum, Hilary Mantel, Songwriters Hall of Fame, George Saunders, The New Museum, Lemony Snicket, Pritzker Architecture Prize, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Serpentine Galleries, Joe Mantegna, PETA, Greenpeace, EPA, Morgan Library & Museum, and many others. The interviews are hosted by founder and creative educator Mia Funk with the participation of students, universities, and collaborators from around the world. These conversations are also part of our traveling exhibition. For The Creative Process podcasts from Seasons 1, 2, 3 visit: or, which has our complete directory of interviews, transcripts, artworks, and details about ways to get involved.
 INSTAGRAM @creativeprocesspodcast

Avec philosophie

France Culture

Within Reason

Alex J O'Connor

For the curious. A philosophy podcast that sometimes flirts with other disciplines, Within Reason has featured guests including Richard Dawkins, Douglas Murray, William Lane Craig, Peter Singer, Konstantin Kisin, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Living Myth

Michael Meade

Mosaic presents Living Myth, a podcast with Michael Meade, renowned mythologist and storyteller. Meade presents mythic stories that offer uniquely insightful and wise ways of understanding the current dilemmas of the world we live in. Living Myth proposes that genuine solutions to the complex and intractable problems of our world require both transcendent imagination and cohering, transformative narratives.

Philosophy For Our Times


Philosophy for our Times is a free philosophy podcast bringing you the latest talks and debates from the world’s leading thinkers. We host weekly episodes on today’s biggest ideas in news, society, culture, politics, science and arts. Subscribe today to never miss an episode.

Stoic Coffee Break

Erick Cloward

"Act on your principles, not your moods." A weekly meditation on how Stoic principles can help you be a better human.https://stoic.coffeeFollow us on social media:

El Estoico | Estoicismo en español

El Estoico

En este podcast vamos a hablar Estoicismo, figuras estoicas y ejercicios estoicos para mejorar tu vida y tu resiliencia ante las adversidades.

Filosofía Apuntes

Gonzalo Díaz

El programa Filosofía Apuntes, creado por Gonzalo Díaz Ponce es un blog dedicado a la síntesis y análisis de libros filosóficos, aunque las entradas pueden abarcar los más diversos temas; como por ejemplo, psicología, lingüística, historia, política, religión, etc. Por supuesto, ninguno de estos apuntes de filosofía pretenden excluir la lectura formal de los textos, sino más bien complementarla. de Gonzalo Díaz

The Curious Case of Freedom

the curious case of freedom

This podcast promotes personal growth, empathic connections, critical thinking and freedom from both inner as well as from outer shackles.

La Verità - Strani Incontri

Adriano Scianca

Strani Incontri è un podcast di Adriano Scianca. Racconta convergenze, coincidenze, dialoghi, confronti fra persone provenienti da mondi totalmente diversi. Tra alto e basso, tra destra e sinistra, sorprendendo la pigrizia dei conformismi.

Bushido, la via del samurai

Nunzia Chan

Il bushido, i suoi valori e l'evoluzione della sua ideologia nella storia del Giappone fino ai giorni nostri. Ripercorriamo insieme i vari contesti storici in cui la via del samurai nacque e si evolse e gli effetti che ebbe a livello sociale e culturale sul popolo giapponese. Un’indagine socio-culturale, quindi, che implica diverse riflessioni sull’atteggiamento del popolo giapponese moderno, ancora samurai nello spirito? #shogun

The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

Mark Linsenmayer, Wes Alwan, Seth Paskin, Dylan Casey

The Partially Examined Life is a podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. Each episode, we pick a short text and chat about it with some balance between insight and flippancy. You don't have to know any philosophy, or even to have read the text we're talking about to (mostly) follow and (hopefully) enjoy the discussion. For links to the texts we discuss and other info, check out We also feature episodes from other podcasts by our hosts to round out your partially examined life, including Pretty Much Pop (, covering all media), Nakedly Examined Music (, deconstructing songs), Philosophy vs. Improv (, fun with performance skills and philosophical ideas), and (sub)Text (, looking deeply at lit and film). Learn about more network podcasts at

For The Wild

For The Wild

For The Wild Podcast is an anthology of the Anthropocene; focused on land-based protection, co-liberation and intersectional storytelling rooted in a paradigm shift away from human supremacy, endless growth and consumerism.

Та й таке

Джек і Вероніка

Привіт! Це подкаст "Та й таке". Твоя Акунамата у світі аудіорозваг. Забувай про свої дедлайни, заварюй альтернативну каву і заходь побалакати. Про те, що цікавить, турбує чи бісить. Про особисте й публічне. Про сіськи-піськи і пошуки себе. Подкаст, що стає кращим на твоїх вухах. Та й таке. Ведучі: Вероніка та Джек

Sapienza Segreta

Michele Leone

Ciao, in questo podcast ti racconterò «il viaggio» della Sapienza Segreta e dei suoi rapporti con la filosofia, la magia, l’ermetismo e le scuole iniziatiche. Un viaggio in cui verranno «interrogati» gli autori e i testi e daremo loro viva voce. Scopriremo i temi, le scuole, i segreti e proveremo a ricomporre un puzzle fatto di decine di miglia di pezzi. Come in un gioco questi frammenti non verranno dati in ordine cronologico o di altro tipo, li potrai ordinare a tuo piacimento. Per sostenere Lexicon Symbolorum su patreon: Per iscriverti alla nostra newsletter: Il nostro canale Telegram: Il nostro canale Youtube:


Podbee Media

Bir Kalfa ve bir Çırağın hazırladığı Paradoks'ta Usta yok, çünkü Usta hayatın ta kendisidir. Kalfa ve Çırak sorarak, sorgulayarak hayatta ustalaşmaya, gerçeğe ulaşmaya çalışıyor. Paradoks, Sokrates'in zihinleri doğurtma sanatı ile dinleyicilerin içindeki gerçeği ortaya çıkarıyor.




Prendila con Filosofia!

La Chiave di Sophia

Benvenuto a PRENDILA CON FILOSOFIA, il podcast dove la filosofia è a portata di mano. A cura La Chiave di Sophia. Un luogo e un tempo per chi vuole fare cose pensando un po’, a se stesso e al mondo che lo circonda. Per ogni tua attività o momento della tua vita, noi ti proponiamo la giusta riflessione, per trovare la chiave di accesso ai tuoi pensieri. SEGUICI su,,

The Gray Area with Sean Illing


The Gray Area with Sean Illing takes a philosophy-minded look at culture, technology, politics, and the world of ideas. Each week, we invite a guest to explore a question or topic that matters. From the the state of democracy, to the struggle with depression and anxiety, to the nature of identity in the digital age, each episode looks for nuance and honesty in the most important conversations of our time. New episodes drop every Monday.

Le Précepteur

Charles Robin

Charles Robin est professeur de philosophie à Montpellier. Il a créé le podcast "Le Précepteur" pour partager sa passion pour la philosophie et la transmission. Dans ses podcasts, Charles vous présente la pensée d'un philosophe ou il vous invite à la réflexion sur un sujet d'actualité en lien avec la philosophie. Ses podcasts sont conçus pour être accessibles au plus grand nombre. Cela signifie que même si vous n'avez jamais fait de philosophie, vous serez capable de comprendre son propos et d'y réagir.

Alan Watts Being in the Way

Be Here Now Network / Love Serve Remember Foundation

Take a deep dive into the collected recordings of Alan Watts with Alan’s son, Mark Watts.  Being in the Way is a podcast series that explores the Alan Watts Archive’s 100-hour tape collection - including recordings not heard in 40 years. We will meet some of the people being influenced by the works of Alan Watts today and learn a little of the history behind how these remarkable recordings were made.  Mark and his guests offer reflections on Alan’s ideas— ideas that were radically innovative and groundbreaking in the sixties and seventies, and yet seem to have come of age today. Being in the Way is brought to you by the Alan Watts Organization, in partnership with Ram Dass' Be Here Now Network. Check out all of the Alan Watts Organization's offerings at 

Filosofia e Scienze Umane - Lezioni

Andrea Grosso

Se sei uno studente o un appassionato di Filosofia e Scienze Umane in questo Podcast puoi trovare frammenti delle mie Lezioni. DISCLAIMER: Nella maggior parte delle mie Lezioni parlo di argomenti connessi ovviamente al programma scolastico, ma trasversali e di approfondimento. In particolar modo quando si tratta di Filosofia non faccio quello che di fatto è Storia di Filosofia, ma proprio Filosofia: osservo la realtà con i miei studenti, rifletto con loro, faccio usare loro il pensiero, faccio praticare tecniche di meditazione e molto altro. Questo perché penso che siano perfettamente in grado di studiare a casa da soli e che possano trovare molte informazioni su Google (più che con me). Io cerco invece di fornire loro quel valore aggiunto che posso fornire. Inoltre è importante farti notare che, come dice il titolo del Podcast, qui si tratta di frammenti di lezioni: sono tagliati molti momenti tra cui ovviamente quelli in cui parlano gli studenti. Quindi non è previsto in questi video di avere necessariamente una coerenza lineare di contenuti.

Alan Watts Podcast

Alan Watts

Alan Watts is one of the most widely read philosophers of the 20th century. In addition to his 28 books, Alan Watts delivered hundreds of public lectures and seminars the recordings of which have been preserved in the archives of the Electronic University. Alan's eldest son Mark Watts has reviewed and cataloged these talks to prepare them for public broadcast. In 2005 Amber Star of created Alan Watts podcast to help disseminate these lectures to a new iPod listening generation . Today the Electronic University and are pleased to present the highlights of the spoken works of Alan Watts.

Audiolibro Apologia di Socrate - Platone

Audiolibri Locanda Tormenta

La narrazione fatta da Platone della strenua difesa di Socrate di fronte alle accuse dei suoi detrattori

V–A–C Sreda

V–A–C Sreda

Онлайн-журнал V–A–C Sreda предлагает нюансированный взгляд на культуру и современность. Журнал включает в себя художественную работу, текст и подкаст. Все материалы доступны на сайте ограниченный период времени и обновляются по средам. Почта для обратной связи, идей и предложений:

Parole nel Tempo dalla Letteratura Classica

Teatro, Poesia, Epica, Filosofia, Storie di Viaggi e Cronache di Società dalla letteratura del mondo classico

Seminario Fenix | Brian Tracy


¡Bienvenidos a "Seminario Fénix" con Brian Tracy, el podcast que te llevará a alcanzar nuevas alturas de éxito y desarrollo personal! Únete a nosotros en este viaje de transformación, donde exploraremos las estrategias y principios probados por el tiempo, presentados por el renombrado autor y conferencista, Brian Tracy. Cada episodio de "Seminario Fénix" será una inmersión profunda en el mundo de la productividad, el liderazgo, la gestión del tiempo y el logro de metas.


Giuseppina Gifuni

Di Giuseppina Gifuni. Hai difficoltà ad assimilare nozioni di filosofia? Ecco a te la rubrica "Filo, sofìa", la cultura a portata di auricolari.

Shawn Ryan Show

Shawn Ryan | Cumulus Podcast Network

The "Shawn Ryan Show" is hosted by Shawn Ryan, former U.S. Navy SEAL, CIA Contractor, and Founder of Vigilance Elite. We tell REAL stories about REAL people from all walks of life. We discuss the ups and downs, wins and losses, successes and struggles, the good and bad in a respectful but candid way with our guest. We're better than entertainment, we're the REAL thing. Please enjoy the show.



Become a Paid Subscriber: Newsletter: Hermitix is a podcast focusing on one-on-one interviews relating to fringe philosophy, obscure theory, weird lit, underappreciated thinkers and movements, and that which historically finds itself 'outside' the academic canon. Contact:

Brain in a Vat

Brain in a Vat

Thought experiments and conversations with philosophers. Hosted by Dr Jason Werbeloff and Mark Oppenheimer.

Acid Horizon

Acid Horizon

Acid Horizon and Inner Experience theory podcasts. Metaphysics, ethics, politics, critical theory, phenomenology, and beyond.

Bestiario politico

di Gianluca Briguglia I territori della politica sono spesso oscuri e misteriosi, messi alla prova da pulsioni antisociali ambigue e ambivalenti: paura, ambizione, violenza. Ma quei territori sono gli stessi in cui si radicano e crescono anche il desiderio di libertà, l'aiuto reciproco, la messa in comune delle esperienze, la ricerca di un bene comune. In questa serie si parlerà di politica, ma in modo diverso dal solito: verranno raccontati idee e pensieri di un passato remoto, Medioevo e Rinascimento, che ha dato corpo a paure e speranze, alternando il racconto delle idee di personaggi realmente esistiti, che con il loro pensiero e la loro azione hanno cambiato il modo di vedere la politica, a quello di figure immaginarie, nate per rappresentare incertezze ma anche soluzioni rispetto ai problemi dell'epoca. Le idee e i "mostri" di questo "bestiario politico" appartengono certamente a un mondo lontano, ma sono ancora in grado di sussurrarci dubbi e inquietudini, aperture inaspettate e intuizioni geniali rispetto al mondo in cui viviamo oggi.

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

Peter Adamson

Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King’s College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, ”without any gaps.” The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition. NOTE: iTunes shows only the most recent 300 episodes; subscribe on iTunes or go to a different platform for the whole series.

La Taverna di Platone

La Taverna di Platone

Due giovani laureati che hanno preso la cattiva strada della filosofia. Nel frattempo, facciamo podcast. Il nostro canale si articola in serie tematiche che affrontano la filosofia da più punti di vista. Sintesi brevi ed efficaci, letture, fatti curiosi, cultura nerd...tutto questo è la Taverna di Platone! Se sei interessato ad un solo format, o semplicemente vuoi navigare tra le nostre puntate con facilità, ricordati che ogni serie ha il suo apposito canale separato. Buon ascolto!

Легко, просто и подкаст

Легко, просто и подкаст

18+ Разговоры о личных загонах, восприятии, неэффективности, отношениях и долгих проектах с плавной музыкой на фоне. Говорят о том, что волнует Тимур Зарудный, Сергей Жданов, Оля Кашубина и классные гости.

Die Gesetze des Lebens

der Randolf-Schäfer-Podcast

Wenn Randolf Schäfer über die Gesetze des Lebens spricht und virtuos auf der Klaviatur der Archetypen spielt, dann werden die geistigen Themen vor dem inneren Auge lebendig. Mit Randolf Schäfer und Marcel Höfs.

C ce soir

France Télévisions

Karim Rissouli, accompagné de Laure Adler et Camille Diao, présente ce rendez-vous où les idées sont les vedettes, des idées qui éclairent l’actualité et la complexité du monde. « Débattre, c’est argumenter pour ne pas se battre », Étienne Klein, physicien et philosophe des sciences. Telles sont la philosophie générale et l’ambition de C ce soir.


Michael Phillip

Explore the mysteries and majesty of the multiverse with Michael Phillip and his magnificent multidisciplinary guests— Scientists, artists, comedians, entrepreneurs, authors, shamans, monks, psychonauts and occasional android sidekicks.

I miti dello yoga

I miti dello yoga

Un podcast che cerca di svelare, raccontando una storia, cosa si nasconde dietro gli āsana fatti sul tappetino.

The Life Lessons Podcast

Simon Mundie

The Life Lessons podcast has a simple mission: to have discussions that reveal something important about life and how best to live it. My guests range from the biggest sporting names on the planet to neuroscientists, psychologists and world-renowned philosophers and thinkers. I want to get away from the pervasive 'success evangelism', and consider a new ay of being. Guests have included Jonny Wilkinson, Caitlyn Jenner, Ronnie O’Sullivan and Dame Kelly Holmes, as well as thinkers including Daniel Goleman, Sam Harris, Michael Pollan, Dr Pippa Grange and non-dual philosopher Rupert Spira. These conversations, and the bitesize episodes, have the power to change your life. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Musings about Ourselves and Other Strangers

Charlie Bresler

If you've ever been surprised by your own thoughts, well, you're not alone. From the time we're born to the time we die, we spend our lives meeting strangers — including the one within. We also spend our lives learning about many of those strangers, and turning them into colleagues, friends, and family. In Musings about Ourselves and Other Strangers, host Charlie Bresler talks with fascinating people on their musings about family, community, work, helping others, and getting to know the stranger inside ourselves. Where do we fit in the world we all inhabit together? Join us as our musing leads us to some unexpected places. Charlie Bresler is the co-founder of The Life You Can Save and former President of a large international retail company. Here he investigates ideas that he has been “musing” on since he obtained his Ph.D. in clinical and social psychology way back in 1984.

Gli Yoga-sutra spiegati passo passo

Gilda Giannoni

Gli Yoga-sūtra sono il testo più importante della tradizione yoga. Questo progetto nasce con l’idea di approfondire i suoi contenuti passo passo, cercando di renderlo fruibile a tutti: neofiti ed esperti. Chi non conosce lo yoga, ma è curioso di capirne il senso, la base culturale e filosofica, il contesto in cui nasce e si sviluppa, può trovare in questo podcast una base per costruirsi un’idea dello yoga. Chi già pratica può arricchire la consapevolezza della pratica stessa. Gli insegnanti infine possono trovarvi spunti di approfondimento. _____ Ringrazio Miyoshi Masato per le gentile concessione del suo brano “Another Take”.

Very Bad Wizards

Tamler Sommers & David Pizarro

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.

Festival Filosofia al Mare

Orthotes Editrice

Festival Filosofia al Mare Francavilla al Mare (CH) Orthotes Editrice Studio 214 Se è vero che c’è un bisogno sociale di filosofia, questo va preso sul serio e non certo assecondato superficialmente. L’importante è che sia offerta filosofia autentica e non una filosofia “addomesticata” dalle necessità di una comunicazione “mediatica”. In tal senso, l’incontro con lo stile veramente filosofico, con l’argomentazione razionale, con l’uso critico e dialettico del pensiero, vuol suggerire qualche antidoto al modello unico di comunicazione che potrebbe prevalere. Questa fiducia anima il lavoro organizzativo di “Filosofia al Mare”: d’estate, in Abruzzo, a Francavilla “al Mare”.

Der Pudel und der Kern - Philosophie to go

Dr. Albert Kitzler und Jan Liepold

Der Pudel und der Kern – der Philosophiepodcast zu den wichtigen Fragen des Lebens. Was macht ein erfülltes und gelingendes Leben aus? Wodurch finden wir zu innerer Ruhe, echtem Ausgleich und heiterer Gelassenheit. Wie schaffen wir es, im Beruf oder in Beziehungen auch unter Stress authentisch zu bleiben und wenn nötig loszulassen. Können wir Erfolg, Besitz und Macht mit Meditation und Minimalismus in Einklang bringen. Kurz: wie finden wir zu einem erfüllten, gelingenden Leben? Auf all diese Fragen des modernen Alltags liefern die Weisheitslehren im antiken Griechenland, Indien und China noch heute gültige Aussagen. Im Philosophie-Podcast „Der Pudel und der Kern“ beantwortet und diskutiert der Philosophieexperte Dr. Albert Kitzler die Lebensfragen des Moderators Jan Liepold und der zugeschalteten Hörer. Dabei geht es keineswegs um eine akademisch-abstrakte Diskussion. Vielmehr macht „Der Pudel und der Kern“ die Lebensweisheiten von Seneca, Konfuzius, Platon, Buddha & Co für seine Follower nutzbar und verknüpft sie als "praktische Philosophie" mit den Herausforderungen unserer schnelllebigen Zeit. Das alles ist nicht als reiner Dialog geplant. Wir binden die Podcasthörer*innen mit ihren Fragen zu unseren Themen ein und interviewen externe Experten. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge „Der Pudel und der Kern“ auf allen bekannten Podcast-Plattformen.

The Arthur Brooks Show

Vox Media

Dig into the art of disagreement and the power of love with social scientist Arthur Brooks. Against the backdrop of a toxic political climate engendered by the 2016 presidential election, season one focuses on the ways we can better disagree with our friends, family, and community. The second season focuses on love: what it means to find meaning in our work, loving our country, and how to love our enemies. Produced by the Vox Media Podcast Network.

Sternstunde Philosophie

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Die grossen Fragen der Gegenwart, erörtert im Gespräch mit den herausragenden Köpfen unserer Zeit, so lautet seit mehr als 25 Jahren das Angebot der „Sternstunde Philosophie“. Führende Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik geben in diesem einzigartigen Fernsehformat ihre zentralen Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen weiter. Klärende Analysen verbinden sich mit lebensnahen Denkanstössen, neue Einsichten mit kritischen Impulsen. Aufklärung für das 21. Jahrhundert      



具体と抽象を行き来しながら、一つの事柄を、さまざまな角度と尺度とから見つめる。すると、同じものも、少し違って見えてくる。 観測点や参照点を増やすことで、知と知を星座のように結びつける。浮かび上がる新しい星座について、みんなで語りあい、考える。 それをなぜか、「超相対性理論」と名付けました。

Il dio che danza

Paolo Pecere

Antropocene è una serie di podcast prodotta da Emons Record insieme a editori indipendenti per proporre le voci e le esperienze di alcuni giovani ricercatori italiani sui temi della terra, dei viaggi e della natura. I primi due podcast, in coproduzione con la casa editrice nottetempo, sono "Quattro capanne" di Leonardo Caffo e "Il Dio che danza" di Paolo Pecere, tratti dagli omonimi libri editi proprio da nottetempo.

The Republic - Plato


The Republic is a Socratic dialogue by Plato, written in approximately 380 BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory, and arguably Plato's best known work. In it, Socrates and various other Athenians and foreigners discuss the meaning of justice and whether the just man is happier than the unjust man by constructing an imaginary city ruled by philosopher-kings. The dialogue also discusses the nature of the philosopher, Plato's Theory of Forms, the conflict between philosophy and poetry, and the immortality of the soul. View our full collection of podcasts at our website: or YouTube channel: This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.

Le Pourquoi du comment : philosophie

France Culture

Letture Filosofiche - UniBo

Giulia Manzini

Dalla serie di incontri Letture Filosofiche dell'Università di Bologna, vari professori del dipartimento di filosofia dell'ateneo leggono e commentano alcune opere fondamentali della storia della filosofia per offrire una chiave di lettura a questa situazione senza precedenti.

I testi dello hatha-yoga

Gilda Giannoni

Questo nuovo podcast nasce su iniziativa dell’Associazione “Elysium” di Bergamo, che ha finanziato l’intero progetto. L’intento è di fornire un approfondimento sui testi antichi dello hatha-yoga, da cui derivano tutte le varianti dello yoga fisico odierno. Sulla scia del successo del podcast “Gli Yoga-sutra spiegati passo passo” , anche questo progetto vuole aiutare a contestualizzare storicamente lo yoga fisico e aprire spunti per la pratica stessa. Nelle prime 12 puntate approfondiremo il Goraksha Shataka, la “Centuria di Goraksha”, il più antico testo di hatha-yoga che sia giunto fino a noi. _____ Ringrazio Miyoshi Masato per le gentile concessione del suo brano “Jazz Eat Pentatonic” (

Urgency of Change • The Krishnamurti Podcast

Krishnamurti Foundation Trust

What are you doing with your life? Can anyone show you the way, or must you be a light to yourself? Do we see the urgency of change? One of the greatest spiritual teachers and philosophers of all time, J. Krishnamurti challenges us to question all that we know and discover our true nature in the here and now. This official podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust now has over 150 weekly episodes. Episodes 1-50 feature conversations between Krishnamurti and luminaries from many paths, along with readings of the classic book Commentaries on Living by actor Terence Stamp. Episode 51 onwards features carefully chosen extracts based on a theme explored by Krishnamurti. The extracts from our archives have been carefully selected to represent his different approaches to each of these universal and timelessly relevant themes. Please consider leaving a rating or review on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility. Get in touch at

Istituto di Scienze dell'Uomo | Dialoghi e pratiche

Istituto di Scienze dell'Uomo

Approfondimenti, incontri e pratiche in campo filosofico e antropologico da una prospettiva interculturale. Le iniziative sono state organizzate e promosse dall'Istituto di Scienze dell'Uomo di Rimini APS nell'ambito del suo progetto Scuola Superiore di Filosofia Orientale e Comparativa, oggi conosciuta come la Scuola di maggiore prestigio nel confronto e dialogo del pensiero occidentale e orientale.

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness Podcast aims to deepen and improve every area of a man's life, from fitness and philosophy, to relationships and productivity. Engaging and edifying interviews with some of the world's most interesting doers and thinkers drop the fluff and filler to glean guests' very best, potentially life-changing, insights.

WDR 5 Das philosophische Radio


Um dem Bedürfnis nach Austausch mit anderen nachdenklichen Menschen zu entsprechen, hat WDR 5 mit der Sendung "Das philosophische Radio" ein einzigartiges, regelmäßiges Forum für die öffentliche philosophische Diskussion geschaffen.

Felsefenin İzinde

Podbee Media

“Felsefenin İzinde” hem zihinsel hem fiziksel bir yolculuğa davetlisiniz! Bu programda, bildiğimizi sandığımız ama muhtemelen yanıldığımız ya da belki de üzerine hiç düşünmediğimiz ama düşünmemiz gereken konuları ele alacağız.  Host | Pelin Dilara Çolak


Otherwise Library

這裡是只能喝酒的圖書館,一個出租成見,探索未知的地方。 疑惑是生命的本質,帶著未知行走探索這個世界,每個人都是本會走路的書。 【只能喝酒的圖書館】是2020年開始的台灣文化媒體Podcast節目,主持人是Otherwise Library主理人Hank & Ting,每週更新,一邊喝酒一邊聊聊人生中的愛恨嗔痴癲,找尋時代的印記與焦慮,關注人生的迷惘,自己的缺乏,關於那些有趣的靈魂,生活的高潮迭起,和觀看生命的獨特哲學與個人價值,還有情感學習。 如果你喜歡我們的節目,歡迎訂閱! 也歡迎留言給我們加油打氣! 遇見有趣的靈魂Otherwise Library 合作邀約 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

Olavo de Carvalho

Olavo de Carvalho


Ellie Anderson, Ph.D. and David Peña-Guzmán, Ph.D.

The best of all possible podcasts, Leibniz would say. Putting big ideas in dialogue with the everyday, Overthink offers accessible and fresh takes on philosophy from enthusiastic experts. Hosted by professors Ellie Anderson (Pomona College) and David M. Peña-Guzmán (San Francisco State University).

Living with Reality with Dr. Robert Svoboda

Be Here Now Network

Dr. Robert Svoboda is the first Westerner ever to graduate from a college of Ayurveda and be licensed to practice Ayurveda in India. During and after his formal Ayurvedic training he was tutored in Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish, Tantra and other forms of classical Indian lore by his mentor, the Aghori Vimalananda. He is the author of over a dozen books and has served as Adjunct Faculty at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM, and at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. You can find out more about his work at and follow him on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.


Michael Garfield

Join paleontologist-futurist Michael Garfield and an avalanche of amazing guests for deep but irreverent discussions at the edge of the known and knowable: on prehistory and post-humanity and deep time, non-human agency and non-duality, science fiction and self-fulfilling prophecies, complex systems and sustainability (or lack thereof), psychedelics as a form of training for proliferating futures, art and creativity as service and as inquiry. New episodes on a roughly biweekly basis. Get bonus material and support the show at or

كوكب المشاعر

khalid Al-Ghanim

مجرد شخص في هذا الكوكب يتحدث ويفضفض عن مشاعره - كلام مبعثر ربما يكون نفس شعورك. تجدونا في التيك توك : حساب سناب شات : مقدم البرنامج : خالد ال غانم حساب تويتر : لدعم البودكاست بامكانك الاستفاده من خدمات متجر فازا ارت تابع البودكاست ليصلك تنبيه بالحلقات الجديده . وشارك الحساب مع من تحب ابتسم

everybody has a secret

Shameless Media

join annabelle lee and louis hanson as they unpack the wild, never-been-told, real-life secrets of their listeners

Roderick on the Line

Merlin Mann

Merlin Mann’s frank & candid weekly phone call with John Roderick of The Long Winters.

Costa Discordia | Michil Costa

L'interruzione di Michil Costa - ein Zwischenruf von Michil Costa


Rick DuFer e Fedsanber

FEED è il nuovo podcast dei Cogito Studios, creato da Rick DuFer e Fedsanber. Ogni giorno un approfondimento su scienza, tecnologia, cultura, arte, filosofia, società e molto altro: letture da riviste, visione di documentari, il tutto commentato con la chat in live - un'occasione di conoscenza vera e di approfondimento su tematiche davvero importanti. Questo podcast fa parte dell'universo di VOIS. Per scoprire di più, segui su Instagram o visita il sito — 📩 Per Collaborazioni o Sponsorship:

Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal

This is 42

Exploring theoretical physics, consciousness, Ai, and God in a technically rigorous manner. If you'd like to support this endeavor, then please visit the Patreon ( ). Thank you for your charitable and kindhearted support. My name's Curt Jaimungal, a Torontonian with a degree in mathematical physics from the University of Toronto and I analyze various Theories of Everything from this analytic perspective, though more and more opening up to alternative approaches. The separating factor of TOE from other podcasts is its focus on depth even at the risk of limiting the audience due to how much detail we delve into subjects. Paralleling the intensity found in academic discourse, we're increasingly embracing a spectrum of unconventional ideas to conduct research during this podcast, rather than merely conveying existing information. Contact toe [at] indiefilmTO [dot] com for business inquiries / sponsorship.

Yoyogaga - von und mit Andreas Thiel

Andreas Thiel

Die sprachphilosophische Sendung für alle, denen die Worte wie modrige Pilze im Mund zerfallen. Die Gehirnbaustelle für gedankliche Brunnenbohrungen. Das Assoziationskettenmassaker eines humanoiden Humormonsters. Die Mutprobe für Selberdenker schlechthin. Jeden Sonntag um 20:05 Uhr, Wiederholungen um 23.05 Uhr sowie am Montag um 08:05 und 11:05 Uhr - auf

مدرسه زندگی فارسی

Iman Fani

«اندیشه‌هایی ساده، کوتاه و عمیق تا جان تلخت خوش شود.» ما با تکیه بر مطالعات وسیع میان‌رشته‌ای، محتوایی تولید می‌کنیم که به سرعت قابل پیاده کردن در کسب و کار و زندگی روزمره باشد و به زندگی معنا و زیبایی ببخشد. در این راه از ادبیات، فلسفه، روانشناسی، اقتصاد، تاریخ، پزشکی، سینما و دیگر علوم بهره می‌بریم، همه چیز را مورد پرسش قرار می‌دهیم و ارتباطها را پیدا می‌کنیم. از جمله فعالیتهای ما دوبله ویدیوهای مدرسه زندگی آلن دوباتن با ترجمه دکتر ایمان فانی و مرور ویدیوییِ کتابهای مفید است. برای اطلاع از ویدیوهای جدید انتشار یافته در یوتیوب، تلگرام و اینستاگرام ما را دنبال کنید. برای دسترسی به مطالب دسته بندی شده به وبسایت ما مراجعه کنید. برخی منابع : و صدها کتاب و مقالات ویدیویی


Fatima AK

في بعض الأحيان،لايرغب الناس في سماع الحقيقة لانهم لايريدون ان تتحطم اوهامهم – نيتشهشخصية عاديه بينكم في المجتمع حبيت أتكلم و اكلم أشخاص عادين كلنا في الدنيا جدا عادين. اللي زي ممكن او زيكم لأننا كلنا عبارة عن احداث و قصص نخاف نتكلم عنها بي كل صراحه وواقعية و اللي تمثل نجمة النثرةFollow on Instagram: @AlNathraa.StarHosted and Written by Fatima AKProduced by Podcast Now Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Philosophy is Sexy

Les Podcasteurs

Philosophy Is Sexy n’est pas qu’un podcast, c’est une parenthèse intime, un pas de côté, pour oser la philosophie, la désacraliser, la remettre au cœur de notre vie et se laisser inspirer. Marie Robert, auteure du best-seller traduit en quinze langues, "Kant tu ne sais plus quoi faire", de "Descartes pour les jours de doute" et "Le Voyage de Pénélope" (Flammarion-Versilio) nous interpelle de son ton complice et entrainant. La prof qu’on aurait aimé avoir, celle surtout qui va faire des philosophes nos précieux alliés. Directrice Pédagogique des écoles Montessori Esclaibes. @PhilosophyIsSexy Musique : Laurent Aknin, éditeur : 3rd Kind Music

The Political Theory Review

Jeffrey Church

Conversations with scholars on recent books in Political Theory and Social and Political Philosophy.This podcast is not affiliated with the University of Houston, and no opinions expressed on this podcast are that of the University of Houston. Image: Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), After a model by Jean Antoine Houdon (French, Versailles 1741–1828 Paris), in the public domain courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Sounds of SAND

Science and Nonduality

Sounds of SAND is a podcast from Science and Nonduality which contemplates and reveres the beauty, complexity, pain, and great mystery that weave the infinite cycles of existence. We explore beyond ultimate truths, binary thinking, and individual awakening while acknowledging humanity as a mere part of the intricate web of life. Episodes tap into SAND’s rich history and collaborative future by presenting talks, dialogs, interviews, readings, music, and recordings from SAND Conferences, events, and webinars weaving timeless wisdom and embodied experience. Let’s listen, learn, and share. ➡️ Find out more at 💌 Reach out to us at


Metaphysical with Rob Counts and John Vivanco

Join Rob Counts & Remote Viewer John Vivanco on a Journey to the Unknown.

Reasonably Sound

Mike Rugnetta

We start with audio, but where we end up is anyone's guess.

Unwind with Poppy Jamie

Poppy Jamie

Unwind with Poppy Jamie is a podcast for when you want to destress, relax and allow your mind to untangle. The show includes interviews with world leading thinkers from mental health professionals, entrepreneurs, authors, influencers and change-makers who will provide listeners with an insight into their favourite books, life lessons, advice and life reflections.   If content was food for the mind, this would be a highly nutritional snack. We like to say Unwind is a ‘pause-cast’ and each episode is a welcome moment to unwind and refill. Poppy Jamie is a Forbes 30 under 30 entrepreneur, influencer, and rising star in the mental health and wellness space. She launched the Happy Not Perfect app after four years of developing the app with neuroscientists, researchers, and her psychotherapist mum. In 2021, she wrote the bestselling book, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts and Free Yourself From Anxiety. Join Poppy on this mind, body and soul journey and follow her on instagram @poppyjamie ❤️ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

CHITHEADS with Jacob Kyle (Embodied Philosophy)

Embodied Philosophy

Chitheads is a smorgasbord of contemplative education. Each episode is like a mini masterclass, exploring the diverse landscapes of spiritual practice, philosophy, and the transformative power of embodied knowledge. Each episode is crafted with the curious and open heart in mind, aiming to illuminate the path of self-inquiry and empowerment for yoga teachers, scholar-practitioners, meditators and other spiritual seekers and contemplative folks from around the world. From the profound teachings of Yoga and Buddhism to the sometimes complex theories of contemplative psychology and the vibrant tapestry of indigenous wisdom, our guests share insights that awaken, challenge, and inspire. With every episode, we dive into discussions that matter, exploring questions that guide us closer to our true selves and to a deeper understanding of the world around us. Our mission is to create a space where wisdom (and not fame, power, or money) is the center of gravity and what we are most concerned about cultivating in this lifetime.  Join us on Chitheads as we explore the liminal spaces of consciousness, embrace the complexities of the human experience without dogma or self-righteousness, and discover the beauty again and again of the interconnectedness of all things. Subscribe to Chitheads on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform, and please consider leaving us a positive review on one iTunes, or your favorite podcast player. Come dive into these in-depth conversations that illuminate our path of contemplative discovery. If you’ve felt like you’re the only one full of chit – full of consciousness or awareness ˀ– welcome home. This community of listeners, seekers, and scholar-practitioners is for you.

New Ideal, from the Ayn Rand Institute

Ayn Rand Institute

A curated selection of content from the pages of New Ideal, the journal of the Ayn Rand Institute. At New Ideal, we explore pressing cultural issues from the perspective of Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, which upholds the ideals of reason, individualism, and capitalism.

Filosofi & Diritto. Un podcast di Alessio Lo Giudice

Alessio Lo Giudice

Alessio Lo Giudice è Professore Ordinario di Filosofia del diritto presso l’Università degli Studi di Messina. Ha scritto, tra l’altro, Il dramma del giudizio (Mimesis 2023) e La democrazia infondata (Carocci 2012). Qui vengono pubblicati alcuni suoi interventi e lezioni, a carattere prevalentemente divulgativo, su temi classici della Filosofia del diritto e della Filosofia politica, con uno sguardo alla realtà di oggi. Info su

Dear Hank & John


Hosts John and Hank Green (authors and YouTubers) offer both humorous and heartfelt advice about life’s big and small questions. They bring their personal passions to each episode by sharing the week’s news from Mars (the planet) and AFC Wimbledon (the fourth-tier English football club).

Filosofia - Per un Nuovo Mondo

Giorgio Garzaniti

Abbonati: Il podcast di Giorgio Garzaniti. Filosofia, critica, attualità e politica: per non smettere di pensare!

Realismo Pop - Il Podcast delle Contraddizioni

Alessandro Rossetti

Questo Podcast nasce con l'intento di sopperire alle mancanze di ulteriori argomentazioni dai miei post su Instagram, essendo che tali critiche richiedono lunghe considerazioni, limitate dalle impostazioni del social. Il capitalismo ha fatto breccia in noi in diversi modi, ma che non sono ampiamente analizzati a 360°. Individualismo, divisioni, mercificazione, alienazione, nichilismo, angoscia e depressione, sono solo alcuni temi in cui ci imbatteremo. Per mostrare l'enorme egemonia capitalista culturale popolare in cui affoghiamo quotidianamente. "E' ancora possibile anche solo immaginare?"

С русского на русский

Никита Добряков

Всем привет, с вами философ Никита Добряков и это подкаст «С русского на русский». Здесь я объясняю сложные философские концепции понятным языком. Автор и ведущий: Никита Добряков Продюсер: Ксения Беляева Обложка: Анастасия Марулина ( Звук: Тон Шепард Сотрудничество:
