Retire in Dublin, Ireland & Celebration, Florida - EP 191

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Retire in Dublin, Ireland & Celebration, Florida - EP 191
Powerhouse Gail Clifford is a doctor, podcaster, writer, blogger, coach, foster parent, tremendous Disney fan … the list goes on. Naturally, she’s not one to retire, or stay at one venue too long. But she loves life, down time and having fun. Her chosen long-term destination homes are in Dublin, Ireland, Celebration, Florida and Guanacaste, Costa Rica. She spends 9 months in Celebration (sort of), summers in Dublin, and having a condo built in Costa Rica. If all that isn't dizzying enough, Gail’s job as a physician is in Goodyear, Arizon - she commutes from Florida to Arizona regularly. Check out Episode 191 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Gail’s podcast is Single Mom MD and websites are and 
Gail’s best selling children’s book, co-written by her daughter Jackie Mullen, is Mommy Magic: Anatomy and Sex Ed for Pre-Schoolers. She also wrote a chapter on combatting physician depression and suicide for the best selling book, The Experts Cure: How Entrepreneurs are Changing the World.
#retirethere #retiretherepodcast #retirewhere #retireabroad #retirehere #wheretoretire #retireearly #bestplacetoretire #retirement #retirementplanning #babyboomers #genxers #Dublin #DublinIreland #Ireland #RepublicOfIreland #dublin.explore @dublin.explore #celebrationflorida #celebrationfl #celebration #florida #disney #singlemommd #mommymagic 

Retire in Dublin, Ireland & Celebration, Florida - EP 191

Retire There with Gil
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