Rabbi Joel Nickerson: Burst Out of Your Bubble

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In this week’s Shabbat Message, Rabbi Joel Nickerson shares his excitement of leaving his bubble to lead to the B'nei Mitzvah Israel Trip. He reflects on how it can also sometimes feel easier and safer to stay in your bubble, but as we learn in this week’s Torah portion, even the Israelites need to leave the comfort of their encampment at the base of Mt. Sinai (where they’ve been staying for two years), and venture out into the vast wilderness. It’s in that wilderness where they learn what it will take to survive as a society and religion once they enter the Promised Land. Each week, a member of the clergy offers their personal perspective on a topic of their choice, such as the week's Torah portion, a Jewish holiday, ritual, custom, or history. Facebook: Wilshire Boulevard TempleWebsite: wbtla.orgYoutube: Wilshire Boulevard TempleInstagram: wilshireboulevardtemple

Rabbi Joel Nickerson: Burst Out of Your Bubble

Rabbi Joel Nickerson: Burst Out of Your Bubble
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