21. Coaching Anxious Players: 5 Steps To Confident Volleyball Athletes

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On todays episode, I read you the article "Coaching Anxious Players: 5 Steps To Confident Athletes" from www.getthepancake.com.

If you have a player (or two) on your team who seems to freeze up or look to you for support when you are not expecting it, they might be feeling anxious in the moment. I give you 5 steps to follow in order to help them feel more confident in themselves and their actions, leading to athletes who don't hesitate on the court.

*Disclaimer: I’m going to discuss coaching players who are ANXIOUS, not players who have been diagnosed with anxiety. I am not a sports psychologist. Just an experienced coach who is sharing tips to try to help you coach through a growing trend I’ve noticed among volleyball athletes in the past 2-3 years.
"Volleyball Coaches Corner" closed Facebook group - Get The Pancake community.
Original Article link: https://getthepancake.com/drills-and-tips/coaching-anxious-players


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21. Coaching Anxious Players: 5 Steps To Confident Volleyball Athletes

21. Coaching Anxious Players: 5 Steps To Confident Volleyball Athletes
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