245: IDF Rafah Preparations Will Take Time (Israel PM) + Bahrain to Procure M1Tanks + Czech-Led Artillery Munition Purchase Plan Making Progress + Indo-PACOM FY25 Unfunded Priorities + More

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For review:1. US CENTCOM X:18 Mar- CENTCOM Forces successfully engaged and destroyed seven anti-ship missiles, three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and three weapons storage containers in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen in self-defense.19 Mar- Coalition aircraft successfully engaged and destroyed one unmanned aerial vehicle and CENTCOM Forces successfully engaged and destroyed one unmanned surface vessel, both launched by Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. 20 Mar- US imposed sanctions on procurement networks based in Iran, Türkiye, Oman, and Germany that have acquired goods for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force Self Sufficiency Jihad Organization, Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), the Iran Centrifuge Technology Company, and other U.S.-sanctioned entities that are part of Iran’s military-industrial base.  2. Work continues at Fort Eustis, Virginia on the causeway bound for the Gaza Humanitarian Support Mission (conducted by the US Army 7th Transportation Brigade).3. IDF Rafah Operation Preparations Will Take Time (Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu).4. Bahrain to Procure 50 x US M1Tanks in a $2.2 billion deal.5. Czech-Led Artillery Munition Purchase Plan Making Progress , Several countries already pledging funds: Germany, France, Portugal, Sweden, Canada, Norway, and Netherlands.6. US Indo-PACOM FY24 Unfunded Priority list is $11 billion. Priorities include Regional Infrastructure, Space-based capabilities, Long-Range munitions, and Guam Missile Defense.7. Tranche 1 of the Pentagon's Replicator (All-Domain Uncrewed/Unmanned Autonomous System(s)) has at least 1 x Army submission (Switchblade 600?) and 1 x Navy- Uncrewed Surface Vessel.

245: IDF Rafah Preparations Will Take Time (Israel PM) + Bahrain to Procure M1Tanks + Czech-Led Artillery Munition Purchase Plan Making Progress + Indo-PACOM FY25 Unfunded Priorities + More

245: IDF Rafah Preparations Will Take Time (Israel PM) + Bahrain to Procure M1Tanks + Czech-Led Artillery Munition Purchase Plan Making Progress + Indo-PACOM FY25 Unfunded Priorities + More
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