5 Top Sales Pitch Tips

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Send us a text5 Top Sales Pitch TipsIn the final part of the Summer Series of ‘Top Tip’ episodes of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast I’m sharing 5 top sales pitch tipsA sales pitch or demo is a golden opportunity so these five top sales pitch/demo tips are designed to help you ensure you don’t waste that opportunitySo here are the 5 Top Sales Pitch Tips:Check the expectations from the person or people you are pitching or demoing to, particularly with regard to the length of time for the pitch or demoOnly include stuff that helps you achieve your desired outcome and that will be of interest to those you are pitching/demoing toDon’t start with you, focus right from the get go on your audience and don’t save the best bits until the end as there is always a danger for various reasons you might not get to the end or it might be a rushed endInvite questions as you go, plan for the Q&A by having a couple of rhetorical questions ready and think about the type of questions you will be asked so you can research the answers. If you don’t know the answer explain that you will find it out and get back to them – this is an ideal opportunity to continue the conversationEven before you start the pitch or demo explain how you see the next steps and then at the end agree them, but make them precise so nail down exact times and dates for the next point of contactThis is episode 229 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast -  the previous 228 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link. To find out how more about how I can help you deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations in 2022 please follow this linkBefore you book any training or coaching with me it is important for you to be sure that I’m the right person for you or your team so let's have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no fee chat on Zoom. Simply click on this link to make that happen.If you would like the chance to be sent by me a copy of my book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an UltraMarathon simply leave a review for the podcast, take a screenshot and email it to me at podcast@trevorleemedia.co.uk - don't forget to include your name and postal address. If you've already left a review - thanks very much - simply screenshot the one you already left and send it to I can help you transform your business presentations and win more sales pitches. Click on the links below to find out more and book a free 15-20 minute Zoom call with to discuss what you might need help with. Presentation TrainingSales Training 15 Minute Free 'How can I help you' Zoom callTrevor Lee Linked Trevor Lee You TubeMy latest book: 7 Steps to Successful Presentations

5 Top Sales Pitch Tips

5 Top Sales Pitch Tips
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