S11 Episode 67- Old dudes

Release Date:

In this episode, the dogs welcome Mike back to the states (01:05), Rob visits an older priest with a friend (13:40), and Connor shares his summer reading (16:55). They all talk about coming to terms with aging (28:05) and the inspirational people they love who have aged with grace (32:50).


“I try to integrate and circulate each day.” (Connor, 1:47)

“It's an aspirational thing, to be able to look back at life and realize, ‘God is the author of that story.”’ (Rob, 16:35)

“It's something really beautiful because he's allowing himself to be pierced by reality.” (Connor, 20:55)

“John Paull II, the way that he entered into eternal life, it was a real example of how to die well... He kept coming out and being a father and loving on people until the day he died. That’s how you do that.” (Mike, 25:10)

“I am both the one choosing, but I'm also being chosen... God’s choice of me is the one truth that can always be relied on.” (Connor, 31:10)

“Life has continued to get richer… There’s a hope in me that will continue.” (Rob, 37:55)

Media Mentions:

Dietrich von Hildebrand's The Heart

John Mark Falkenhain's How We Love

Herman Melville's Moby Dick


BFC (Battlefield Circulation)

West Point

Walter Reed

Peyton Manning

Fort Bragg (Fort Liberty)


Sisters of Life


West Point Parachute Team

Springfield, IL

Fr. John Kartje

Plato's theory of the soul

St. Peter's Basilica

energized affectivity and tender affectivity

Douglas MacArthur

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Mundelein Seminary

Hudson River

Pope John Paul II

Korean War

Vietnam War

Ultimate frisbee

Captain Ahab

North Carolina

Yadkin Road

82nd Airborne Division

Shout- Outs:

Teresa Metz

Sister Bethany Madonna

Fr. James D. O'Shea

Fr. Marty Smith

Fr. Gus Belauskas

Fr. Raymond Webb

Fr. Larry Hennessy

Fr. Matt

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S11 Episode 67- Old dudes

S11 Episode 67- Old dudes
Release Date
