S11 Episode 13- That was delicious

Release Date:

In this episode, the dogs talk about early mornings (1:50), trucks (9:40), and beards (10:00). Connor considers what it means to be overwhelmed by beauty (6:45) and Rob asks the dogs to differentiate possessions and belongings (12:50). They all discuss how to have a healthy attachment to material goods (19:55), their plans for the end of the world (39:10), and approaching the final horizon of death as a saint (43:08).




“The human heart is wired for God.” (Connor, 7:22)

“We have a longing for God, which is goodness.” (Mike 25:30)

“It’s important to have a relationship with things according to reality.” (Connor 29:55)

“Part of walking through the pilgrimage of life is being properly attached to the things that belong to you, but not in a way that makes them your final end.” (Connor, 31:50)

“The only thing you get to take with you is what you’ve given away.” (Cardinal George, 32:07)

“Here was a man words cannot describe. Death could not defeat him nor toil dismay him. He was quite without a preference of his own; he neither feared to die nor refused to live. “ (second reading from the Office of Readings on November 11th)




Impossible without Him-  Season 7 Episode 10 (marathon story starts at 24:49) 
Family Feud
Erazim’s Kohák’s The Embers and the Stars
Wendell Berry’s Jayber Crow
Henry David Thoreau’s Walden Pond
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince (Chapter 13)
Luke 17:11-19 (Jesus heals the ten men with leprosy)
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence
Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World
SNL’s What Up With That? 




SEEK 2019 (Indianapolis, IN)
Steve Harvey
Alex Trebec
Gable (the Great)
Sr. Alicia, Sr. Kara Davis, and Sr. Kate
Jon Kearney
SEEK 2020 (Phoenix, AZ)
Ben Hasse
1997 Ford F-250
Fr. Nick Blaha
Cardinal George
Bishop Paprocki
Jay Leno
Michael Scott
Martin of Tours
Pope St. John Paul II Chapel (Mundelein Seminary, IL)
Pope Francis
Joe Pug


Dog Wisdom

Rob starts the day by saying, "Thank you Lord for this day." (2:00)


Follow the dogs on Instagram @threedogsnorth


Contact us at threedogsnorth@gmail.com


S11 Episode 13- That was delicious

S11 Episode 13- That was delicious
Release Date
