Rejuvenation: Kesher Yehudi

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Eve Harow interviews Mrs. Tzili Schneider who founded Kesher Yehudi an organization whose goal is to bring unity into Jewish Israeli society.
She shares her perspective that it’s critical to bring together specifically the extremes- the ultra-Orthodox and those who define themselves as secular. From Nova Festival survivors to the Satmar Chassidim, she pairs people to connect as Jews beyond the labels.
They spend Shabbat together and other occasions and find commonality in the shared history and spirituality.
Tzili has apparently tapped into something that has only grown since October 7th.
Her love of her people is palpable and infectious.
May she continue her success.

Kesher Yehudi:

Rejuvenation: Kesher Yehudi

Rejuvenation: Kesher Yehudi
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