Planning for Residencies, Shows, and Travel

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Residencies, shows, and travel require forethought and planning for an artist to reach an international audience. Lauren Frances Adams is a painter and mixed-media installation artist, incorporating traditional designs and decoration with contemporary Americana. Her wallpapers depict class struggle and labor movements. She also works as a Full-Time Painting Faculty member at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and was one of our first CHF Business Accelerator Grant Recipients in 2013. Lauren lays out some of the critical issues in arranging travel for an art business.Art that Crosses MediaCross-media work as an academic distinction vs. real world experienceTotal installations and breaking the boundaries of the picture planeTechnology, mass-production, and artThe function of labor as a theme‘Career impact of social issues as subject matter“Those that produce the work are often the least in control of what happens to that work.”Art that Crosses the Atlantic (The Travel Side of an Art Business)International shipping – e.g. when the gallery won’t payWho pays for insurancePlanning ahead financiallyVisas & travel papersBudgeting time for residencies & travel with studio time and marketingMaking art vs. managing the businessPainting vs. teaching – cynicism vs. realityTeaching vs. the gallery systemCrossing the Hurdle of Grants & FundingWhy writing grants is essential – formalizing your project definitionWhere CHF’s grant has been pivotalThe end goal of a grant project – e.g. being polishedLastlyFor more information on Lauren Francis Adams, visit

Planning for Residencies, Shows, and Travel

Planning for Residencies, Shows, and Travel
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