STPR 003 – Dreamcatcher (S1E4)

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RebingeIt Brings You: Star Trek Prodigy S1E4 Dreamcatcher

Hello Star Trek fans! Welcome to Star Trek Prodigy Season 1 Episode 4: Dreamcatcher. We keep becoming more and more like a Star Trek show and this week we have an away mission where things go horribly wrong! I mean come on, how many times have we seen that? While the crew is running around on the planet unsupervised, Gwyn is taking over the ship and Janeway!


In a classic away mission mess, the crew heads out on a seemingly safe and beautiful planet only to get sucked into fantasies being controlled by some kind of creature made out of vines (or cilia which is a word repeated many times in this episode implying I should know what it means). Anyway, only Dal manages to keep his head out of the fantasy, but can he rescue everyone else before the vines suck them in? Meanwhile back on the ship, nobody is watching Gwyn and she's about to steal the ship and strand them all in their fantasies.

Our Kid Correspondent

If you haven't heard our 6-year old correspondent Maahi (from our previous two episodes), then this is the time to tune in. Don't miss her impressions of this rather frightening episode!

What's this rebinge thing?

Normally it's a re-watch of a thing you've already seen but love to watch and talk about....but now we're bringing you something new! Prodigy is our first dive into podcasting new Trek. Come along for the ride!

Next time...

Join us next week for S1E5: Terror Firma!

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STPR 003 – Dreamcatcher (S1E4)

STPR 003 – Dreamcatcher (S1E4)
Release Date
