348. The power of self validation & building self-worth

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In today's episode, I want to talk about something that's been on my mind lately: self-validation and knowing your worth. I recently spoke at an event where I asked the audience how many of them felt like they had an interesting story or that people wanted to hear their story. Out of 70 people, only three raised their hands! Can you believe that?
It got me thinking about how we often don't see the value in our own experiences and the impact we can have on others by sharing our stories. Whether you're in a corporate job or running your own business, it's so important to recognise that you have something valuable to offer.
So, how do we start validating ourselves? Here are a few key takeaways:

Become the dominant voice in your life. Pay attention to the stories you're telling yourself and challenge the negative voices that make you feel unworthy. Focus on what you want to be thinking, feeling, and experiencing instead.

Don't let external rejections define your self-worth. When you ask for what you want and get a "no," remember that it's not the end of the world. It's just part of the journey to success. Keep putting yourself out there and believe in your ideas.

Find advocates and align yourself with people who can help you make an impact. When you're fighting for something you believe in, it's not always easy. Surround yourself with people who resonate with your message and can help you build a community or movement.

Be tenacious and don't give up when faced with obstacles. Learn to communicate in different ways, read people, and find the right allies to help you break down barriers. Remember, it's possible to create the change you want to see!

I know it can feel overwhelming to chase your dreams in a noisy world, but if you continue to work on your self-validation every day and build evidence of your capabilities, you'll be unstoppable. Even if you're not confident right now, ask yourself if you're willing to be courageous.
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348. The power of self validation & building self-worth

348. The power of self validation & building self-worth
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