311. How to expect more, so you can get more in your business and life

Release Date:

I have a belief - that you get what you expect. 
If you expect to get a table at the cafe, then you'll most likely do that you need to make that happen. 
If you expect that clients will come to you then you'll probably show up so that they know where to find you. 
If you don't expect any of that, then in turn you'll probably not show up and do what's required. 
That's what we're talking about on today's episode - expecting more for yourself so that you can get those results. 
Key takeaways from this episode:
1️⃣ Expectations shape our actions: What we believe to be possible directly influences the actions we take. By setting high expectations for ourselves and our businesses, we are more likely to take the necessary steps to achieve our goals.
2️⃣ Experiment with belief: If you find yourself lacking full belief in a particular outcome, treat it as an experiment. Act as if you already believe it's possible and take deliberate, focused actions aligned with that belief. You may be surprised by the positive results this mindset shift can bring.
3️⃣ Make time for strategic thinking: Schedule regular thinking time to reflect on your business, your goals, and what you expect for your future. This intentional planning and strategising will help you generate momentum, creativity, and new possibilities.
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311. How to expect more, so you can get more in your business and life

311. How to expect more, so you can get more in your business and life
Release Date
