306. Building Unwavering Confidence in your business

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Clarity - It's time to get clear
So often we don't feel confident because we're not clear on what we want or what we're going after.
Commit - to your success and outcome!
Certainty - Once you're clear on what you want then decide. Decide on what you're going to do right now in this moment, in this month, in this quarter.
Conviction - fully believing in what you're about to do. Communicating with conviction that you know that what you do can help your clients. That you know that what you have is great.
Do a check-in.
When you link on your website is there is conviction around what you talk about - that clarity and certainty is there staring at me?
Connecting in a deeper way - Is there that certainty in the way you connect with your audience through your content? in your conversations? with your community?
Courageous action - Take courageous action. No one ever knows what the outcome is going to be but what you can know or control is the action that you take.
Right now you know a whole bunch of things that could help you grow your business - but you're not taking that action and you've got to work on that. You've got to sit and take the time to work out why you're not taking that action.
One of the many things I loved that Tony Robbins talked about was the difference between desire and motivation. You might want something but if the motivation isn't strong enough, if the pain isn't strong enough then you won't take that action.
So if you don't take massive courageous action then you'll have to go and get a job or you won't be able to pay your bills, then what would you be willing to do?
Confidence - Confidence it's the guarantee of a successful outcome, it's the willingness to try.
If you're ready to build unwavering confidence in your business then come and join us in the Bold Business Academy www.suzchadwick.com/bba.
🔥Join my live masterclass this October - www.suzchadwick.com/livemasterclass
Ready to work together? Head to
Bold Business Academy - www.suzchadwick.com/bba
Amplify Mastermind - www.suzchadwick.com/amplify
Bold Speakers Collective - www.suzchadwick.com/bsc

306. Building Unwavering Confidence in your business

306. Building Unwavering Confidence in your business
Release Date
