214: Ethics of Social Media: Considerations for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

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Guests: Donna Edwards, MA CCC-SLP, BCS-S, F-ASHA, Memorie Gosa, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, & Georgia Malandraki, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, F-ASHA - The guests hold a crucial conversation regarding the ethical utilization of social media as it correlates to pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders. We have all had those moments when we are scrolling on our phones and seen a post that either made us leap for joy, or stare in disbelief. We’ve seen new accounts that present as “specialists” within the PFD community, but the reel that they share make us scratch our heads and question their validity. Maybe you’ve seen an announcement of a new research article being published… and been filled with an overwhelming sense of hope for our patients and their caregivers and the trajectory of our field. For better, or worse, social media influences how we practice with our patients…but we need expert guidance in how to be consumers and purveyors of this medium while still adhering to our professional code of ethics. That’s what this hour is planning to do: guide your decision-making, infuse you with discernment, and leave you optimistic that you too can master the art of social media consumption and production within the frame of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders.

214: Ethics of Social Media: Considerations for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

214: Ethics of Social Media: Considerations for Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
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