Better Satellite World: Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My! - Episode 2 - Never Bored: From Astrophysics to Game Design and Beyond

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Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My!, the podcast of the Digital Space campaign, underwritten by Hughes, delves into the rapidly evolving world of digital technology and its transformative impact on the space of satellite industries. In this series, we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and space based digital infrastructure with industry leaders and technologists. In episode 2, we hear from Dr. Jennifer Seiler, Senior Engineer at RKF Engineering Solutions, LLC. Jennifer Seiler is a Ph.D. computational astrophysicist, software developer and open science devotee. She currently works for RKF Engineering as a simulation and model developer and engineer for long-range wireless communication systems (both ground and satellite systems). Prior to RKF Engineering, Jennifer worked for Giant Army as Staff Astrophysicist and Developer on Universe Sandbox, a physics simulator sandbox game currently available on Steam. She previously worked for the Department of Statistics at Columbia University studying open coding, open data, big data management and statistical issues of reproducibility in the sciences. A major focus was a project called is a web service that allows researchers to run codes associated with scientific publications. The service allows authors of publications to create companion websites on which others may reproduce the paper's results or run their own parameters. Jennifer has ten years of experience designing, developing and testing massively parallel numerical simulations that evolve highly non-linear partial differential equations (the Einstein Equations) in three or more dimensions for dynamical systems (close binary black holes and neutron stars). Though her degrees are in physics and astrophysics, she has a very strong and unique computer science background in software development and testing, numerical simulations, analysis, database management and cluster management. From 2010 to late 2012, Jennifer occupied a NASA Postdoctoral Position (NPP) in the Astrophysical Sciences Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center doing numerical relativity and gravitational astrophysics related to the (2012 de-funded and soon to be refunded) LISA mission (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) and relevant to LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory). She received her Ph.D. from the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany for research at the Max-Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik (Albert Einstein Institute).

Better Satellite World: Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My! - Episode 2 - Never Bored: From Astrophysics to Game Design and Beyond

Better Satellite World: Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My! - Episode 2 - Never Bored: From Astrophysics to Game Design and Beyond
Release Date
