How to Make Pinterest Profitable for You with Lindsay Shearer - Ep 244

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Looking to open or grow new marketing channels for your business?    Pinterest is now considered a top search engine as posts can be optimized to drive organic traffic.   Lindsay Shearer, the owner of Pins4Profit, joins Loren Baker to discuss how to make Pinterest one of your most profitable marketing channels.    There's no other search engine that offers quite a visual experience as Pinterest. you can save posts, and come back later to purchase them. It's got a really unique element to it that people love.   This podcast episode will help you see the opportunity and learn how to grow your business with Pinterest.    “People are finally starting to warm up to this idea that yes in fact it is more of a search engine than a social media. It still has elements of both social media engagement and things like that but it's much more categorized based on your keywords and your search intent.​​” –Lindsay Shearer   “We've had such good success with Pinterest because my background and my mind thinks like an SEO.” –Lindsay Shearer [00:00] - What do people think about Pinterest? [01:08] - How Pinterest is more of a search engine [02:09] - How Lindsay became a Pinterest marketer and lead generation expert [04:51] - How to rank Pinterest posts and boards [06:43] - What are Pinterest’s search volumes? [11:03] - How to get started with a Pinterest strategy  [12:48] - What kinds of businesses work well on Pinterest? [14:08] - Making native images and communities work on Pinterest [16:41] - Is there a direct-response component to Pinterest for ecommerce or B2C sites? [19:28] - Behavior of organic vs paid content on Pinterest [19:57] - How effective is Pinterest marketing in terms of paid ads? [23:05] - How many visitors can you get from Pinterest? [26:10] - What kind of businesses are killing it right now? [26:37] - Funnel structures that work well for Pinterest [28:24] - Using video on Pinterest [29:59] - Pinterest demographics [36:58] - How to optimize Pinterest boards to rank on Google [41:43] - What should people avoid doing on Pinterest?  [43:58] - What kind of content doesn’t do well on Pinterest? [47:04] - Where do you go to learn more about using Pinterest for business? “It has this long-term staying power too that's another huge key point. If you share things on Instagram or any other social site, they're gone in 24 hours. Pinterest stuff stays forever.” –Lindsay Shearer   “It’s pretty amazing that for non-branded and branded terms that have extremely high search volume, I'm seeing Pinterest boards rank on the top page above the fold the top three on Google at the same time so there's actually the ability to rank your own board for a lot of very popular queries.” –Loren Baker

How to Make Pinterest Profitable for You with Lindsay Shearer - Ep 244

How to Make Pinterest Profitable for You with Lindsay Shearer - Ep 244
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