Ep 215: Highs and Lows of Hustling

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Hustling isn’t always exhausting… at first. Hustling can feel like following excitement and inspiration and fun. Until you find yourself exhausted.  The term “hustle” is ever so popular in this day and age. The more we hear about hustle in business, the more it’s deemed acceptable. Most entrepreneurs have the mentality that if you aren’t “hustling”, then you aren’t being productive.  Well, scratch that mentality! I am here to enlighten you with the fact that the hustle and bustle in your business does not equate to happiness, success or monetary gains. Rather, it can lead to exhaustion and burn out, which we all know is not conducive to living a healthy life.  Furthermore, working hard or doing the things you don’t thoroughly enjoy in your business isn’t always hustling. We’re all familiar with the energetic loop of inspiration and excitement that is followed by burnout. This wavering spark of creativity is also a form of hustling… and trust me, the outcome is just as miserable.  The core of my philosophy is sustainability, You want to build a business that doesn’t just pop up, make a bunch of money and disappear overnight. You want longevity!  On today’s episode of the Online Business Building Mamas podcast, I encourage you to think about where you fall on the scale of “hustle culture” scale, and what hustling means to you. I talk about why routinely chasing creative inspiration can deter you from succeeding in business. I get you thinking about what happens to your business after all is said and done, and why simplicity and sustainability will have a long-term positive impact.  Even if you think you don’t have a hustle problem… this episode is for you.  You’ll learn: How “boring” is better in business and why creating a simple and duplicatable business is the way to go.  Why chasing bunnies and running frantically in your backyard is the perfect analogy for hustle culture and burn out.  Why creating a long-term sustainable business and building a foundation attributes to greater success.  Text us and let us know what you thought of the episodeLet’s Connect! Come together as a community for 90 days of momentum-creating, intentional action to achieve our goals. Join the 90 Day Challenge HERE! Get your 90 Day Challenge Journal HERE! Ready to know what to do to reach your goals for your business? Click here to book a 50 minute Business Planning Intensive call with me. See how to work with me HERE

Ep 215: Highs and Lows of Hustling

Ep 215: Highs and Lows of Hustling
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