The Power of Perception: Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and the Gender Divide | Sabrina Braham & Dr. Shawn Andrews | WLS 94

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Do you ever wonder why is there such a large gender divide of women in senior management positions?
Are you curious about the underlying reasons that women aren’t making it up to the higher levels?
Do you want to know the two most important attributes to help you advance your career?
Would you like to know the career development strategies successful women use to overcome self-imposed limitations?
Then join me today with women's leadership, emotional intelligence and the gender divide expert and Author Dr. Shawn Andrews to learn how you can break the glass ceiling to advance your career, leadership and life.
Here’s some important facts on women in the workforce:
Women make up about 52% US labor force. We also know that women make up most professional occupations, such as attorneys and physicians. When you look at education, 60% of bachelor’s degrees in both the US and in Europe are obtained by women. 

But here is the problem. 

There are more women than men in the workforce and women have the professional degrees. Women are getting the experience and have the education to back them up.  So it would be a natural assumption to think that would translate into leadership and women climbing the corporate ladder. Unfortunately that is simply not the case.

If you look at the number of female CEOs at our S&P 500 companies, it equals 5.2%. That translates into 26 female CEOs.   This is an unacceptable gender divide that my guest expert and I want to help change.
Gender Divide & Women Leadership Expert Dr. Shawn Andrews

Dr. Shawn Andrews is and expert on how to overcome the gender divide.  She’s a keynote speaker, an organizational consultant and the founder and CEO of Andrews Research International.  She serves as an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business School where she teaches courses on organizational behavior, women in leadership, diversity in organizations, leadership and ethics.  She was a 2017 diversity and inclusion columnist for Training Industry Magazine and is the author of the new book, The Power of Perception:  Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and the Gender Divide.


Leadership and the Gender Divide: Women’s Leadership # 94 Highlights

What are the top informal network barriers that most women do not have access to that hold women back?
Why is gender bias and gender stereotypes such a big gender divide, and still pervasive across all industries globally?
What is “agentic leader behavior,” and what that means is that we tend to associate leader traits with male traits. 
When you think of a leader, what comes to mind?  You don’t hear empathetic, great team player, great communicator, or great at relationships. Why don’t we associate female characteristics with leader characteristics?
Learn about “role congruity theory,” and how we make assumptions that people have to act in certain ways to be successful in a certain role.
Top advice to women in a profession that’s male dominated to overcome gender divides, barriers and misperceptions.
What to do if you are stuck doing office housework.

Work-life balance, family choices and breadwinner/caregiver issues. 
The dangers and pitfalls of being superwoman
The candid conversations couples are not having with each other that ruin careers
The hidden benefits of a male sponsor.
Difference between transactional and transformational leadership? 
How can women navigate through assumptions and unconscious gender bias to get promoted? 
Secrets to key relationship building


How to Activate Your Career Building Super Powers!

Are you committed to expanding and deepening your leadership and career talent?
Would you like to know how to leverage yourself for greater success?
For quite a while I have been putting together a unique program based on my over 25 years of helping women succeed and the over 120 women and men leaders I have interviewed that will absolutely help you enhanc...

The Power of Perception: Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and the Gender Divide | Sabrina Braham & Dr. Shawn Andrews | WLS 94

The Power of Perception: Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and the Gender Divide | Sabrina Braham & Dr. Shawn Andrews | WLS 94
Release Date
