Active Listening Leadership Skills Improves Corporate Culture & Profits with Hybrid Teams | Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC Women’s Leadership Success 115

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Active Listening Leadership Skills Will Transform Your Results, Culture and Bottom Line
Do you work in a remote hybrid workforce and want to feel more connected with your colleagues at work? Get more done? Be more profitable?
Here’s a sad leadership fact. Many leaders don't know how their team or customers perceive their leadership. Are you one of them?
If you're one of those executive leaders who might have issues engaging your team, career, or profits, especially in today's remote hybrid teams, …. then developing your active listening leadership skills covered in this podcast could be a life-changing episode.
"The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication, and clear communication is necessary to management success." – James Cash Penny
When you are a leader at any level, the responsibility as a listener multiplies, both positively and negatively. Active listening is one of the fundamental factors of effective communication skills.

 Your entire workplace culture and results will improve as you improve your active listening skills. To help you improve your active listener leadership skills, we have Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC, on our episode today as a guest.

Sabrina Braham: Executive Business Coach, Management Consultant, Author, and Media Host
Sabrina is a life-changing executive business coach and management consultant who is an expert in leadership excellence and business growth. She is also known for helping women leaders in STEM with career development, increasing influence, impact, and income. Sabrina is the co-founder of this incredible podcast, 'Women Leadership Success' which is ranked in the Top 2% in the world. Since 2007, she has successfully published 115 shows with influential thought leaders, all dedicated to empowering today's and tomorrow’s women leaders, and the men who promote gender equity.

Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC - Master Business Executive Coach & Management Consultant

Today, Tim Warren, who is the co-founder of this podcast, and Sabrina’s husband is interviewing Sabrina on how to develop active listening leadership skills you will love. Sabrina shares some powerful real-life management consulting stories, tips, and suggestions regarding leaders. their active listening skills and how you can be a better leader too.
Great Leaders Active Listening Talents: Show Notes

Why “George” thought he was doing a good job, but his team did not feel the same… [2:40-6:25]
How did Sabrina help “George” change his behavior & his results? [6:46-9:26]
Benefits of active listening [9:50-11:40]
How group intelligence can change team outcomes [12:08-13:33]
Use these simple steps to better listen! [15:03-17:46]
What holds companies/ leaders back from developing active listening skills? [18:28-20:42]
How can Sabrina help you implement active listening in your culture? [22:26-26:31]
Where can you get more tips and help to develop your listening skills, a growth mindset, or improve your culture with Sabrina Braham? [28:14-32-30]
What is Sabrina's vision for women's leadership? [[34:09-34:54]
How can women (and men) participate in this shared vision of gender equity? [35:55-38:04]

We hope that you have learned something useful from our active listener's leadership skills podcast. Remember that listening is a phenomenal form of giving someone huge respect.

Sometimes all it takes is to listen to the other person for a while, and you will see you would be able to positively shift you and your teams’ results as well.

It's a magical art you can master with a bit of training and coaching. Call Sabrina today to see how she can help you advance your leadership success.
How to Receive & Give Feedback to Be a Better Leader: Leadership Tips for Women

Action for Traction: Active Listening Leadership Skills
Listening to a podcast or reading a book is a good start. But the way you will change and grow yourself is to take a small action every time you h...

Active Listening Leadership Skills Improves Corporate Culture & Profits with Hybrid Teams | Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC Women’s Leadership Success 115

Active Listening Leadership Skills Improves Corporate Culture & Profits with Hybrid Teams | Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC Women’s Leadership Success 115
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