Friday Quick Fix: Concert Review (Kuarantine -July 6th 2024)

Release Date:

For This Friday Quick Fix we had the opportunity to go see Kuarantine in concert for a 2nd time and we are going to share a quick review covering the entire evening's activities.

The Friday Quick Fix Concept: The Friday Quick Fix is your single dose of Rock n Roll in 15 minutes or less to get your weekend off to a rockin’ start.

Every Friday, we will deliver a different segment that focuses on albums, songs, movies, Playlist, and generally just about anything we find entertaining and want to share with you.

You will still get a regular full length episode every Sunday as usual

Please Consider Supporting The Artist We Feature In This and Every Episode:
(You can support them by purchasing Music, Merch, or A Concert Ticket)

In This Episode You Heard:
Iron Maiden, Aces High, Kuarantine, Kiss

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A Special THANK YOU to Restrayned for the Killer Show Intro and transition music!!
Restrayned Website

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Friday Quick Fix: Concert Review (Kuarantine -July 6th 2024)

Friday Quick Fix: Concert Review (Kuarantine -July 6th 2024)
Release Date
