Is Hunting All Luck or Strategy

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When it comes to hunting big game, years of experience can play into your favor. For deer hunting, having history with a specific buck and knowing his patterns can be the lead reason for harvesting him. Knowing your terrain and where to hang a stand, scouting for scrapes, and putting in a rub post can all be major contributing factors as well. However there is always one factor of hunting that has to be considered. That factor is the animal themselves and whether or not they will show up. The question to then be asked is, is hunting all luck or is it strategy? On this episode of the Raised Hunting Podcast, we discuss this question and look to answer it with past experience from target bucks we have killed. We breakdown a few of our hunts and play out the scenarios to determine whether we got lucky, or did our skills and experiences proved to be the fatal factor.

Is Hunting All Luck or Strategy

Is Hunting All Luck or Strategy
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