Q&A: Curses, Rap Music & University

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SIGN UP!: UPCOMING LIVE Q&A! https://bit.ly/RBQALIVE   Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at  https://ohr.edu/donate/qa   Questions? Comments? podcasts@ohr.edu   Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website https://ohr.edu/study_in_israel​ whatsapp us at https://bit.ly/OSREGISTER or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today!   Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at https://plnk.to/rbq&a   Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz https://forms.gle/VCZSK3wQJJ4fSd3Q7   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/OhrSomayach/videos 00:00-18:33 What exactly are the curses mentioned in the Tocheicha in Devarim? 18:34 - 21:42 Who tends to be the Tanna Kama on the Mishnah? 21:43 - 27:37 At the end of a siyum we say ‘We get up and they get up’, who are ‘they’? 27:38 - 34:44 Can a country like America be blessed by Hashem despite not exactly following the Noahide laws? 34:45 - 40:18 The Gemoro says one cannot go to Roman entertainment, does this apply to the entertainment today? 40:19 - 51:28 Would Talmud Torah in the nineteenth century have slowed down the Haskala movement? 51:29 - 1:00:38 How can a machlokes Tannaim or Amoraim both be correct? 1:00:39 - 1:02:16 When Moshiach comes what will the Code of Law be for the Jews? 1:02:17 - 1:04:55 Does the generation from the desert have a share in Olam Haba? 1:04:56 - 1:11:11 What is the Rav’s position on Chabad?  1:11:12 - 1:17:58 If there is no Sanhedrin today, how do we know who to follow today? 1:17:59 - 1:21:11 If I have to be at a certain place quickly can I say birkas Hamazon while walking or driving rather than sitting in a fixed place? 1:21:12 - 1:28:49 What is the Rav’s position on kosher rap music? 1:28:50 - 1:30:14 Is there a source that the spirit of Shabbas goes down after Musaf? 1:30:15 - 1:32:52 Is it heretical to say the Zohar is on the same level as a Midrash? 1:32:53 - 1:35:53 Should I listen to my parents if they want me to leave Yeshivah and go to university?   You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, ohr.edu and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @ https://ohr.edu  PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS  

Q&A: Curses, Rap Music & University

Q&A- Circumcision, Lips & "Every Yid's a Big Tzadik"
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