#4: Off-Season Training: What can I do during the off-season?

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This episode will focus on helping you figure out how to improve your knowledge and skill in the off-season! So if you winterize your boat, or just take a break for a few months, here are some ideas on where you can focus your energy!
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Off-Season Training: Boating Skills
Here is a list of things you can work on in the off-season that will increase your seamanship skills:

ColRegs & Race Rules
Sail & Rig-Tuning

Off-Season Training: Boating Projects
Winter is an excellent time to complete some boating projects that will make your vessel top-notch! Some of these include:

Owner Manuals: I am a big fan or downloading and/or printing your owner manuals. It is great to have copies of these accessible when you are out on the boat. If something goes wrong with your head, you can refer to owner manuals and diagrams. If your GPS is acting up, you can look up troubleshooting tips. There is great value in making sure you have these handy!
Wiring Diagram: do you know how your boat is wired up? This is a bit time-consuming, but can be very satisfying to dig into your wiring and chase everything down. It is also helpful if a pesky cabin light is not working and you need to check it out. Just pull out your diagram and Bob’s your uncle 
Plumbing Diagram: same applies to your plumbing and thru-hulls. Map them out and be sure you know where they are and how to access them. I attach softwood tapered plugs to every thru-hull hose in case of malfunction or damage. It is there, ready, and the right size.
Safety Gear Grab Bag: Episode #003 of Your Pocket Sailing Instructor talks all about safety gear. Consider setting up a kit, or a grab bag to be used in case of emergency.
First Aid Kit & Tool Kit Top Up: off-season is the perfect time to dig into these kits to make sure they are fully stoked and ready to go. Are you needle nose pliers getting a bit tired and need replacing? Screw driver left out on deck and rusted up? Tap into those holiday sales!

Off-Season Training: Personal Growth
Finally, this is a great time to brush up on person skills and plan for your future sailing adventures.
Personal Growth Courses & Activities: there are several non-boating related courses and activities that I would recommend. These include: a first aid course, try conditioning workouts, and online weather courses.
Making Plans: start researching some destinations you’d like to sail to. Make a passage plan, watch YouTube videos, purchase some charts, read some online forums, and start dreaming about your future destinations!
PRO-TIP: Plan, plan, & succeed!
The off-season is a great time to look ahead to where you want to be next year with your sailing journey. Knock off some projects, get more familiar with your boat, and learn a few new tricks! Most importantly, have fun!

#4: Off-Season Training: What can I do during the off-season?

#4: Off-Season Training: What can I do during the off-season?
Release Date
