#356: Hope For Canadian Politics—Tanya Granic Allen

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Most Americans (and many Canadians!) tend to view the political climate in Canada as hopeless, being run indirectly by LGBT activists, leftist public officials, neo-Marxist advisors, and most of it aided and abetted by a very liberal media establishment. Even if this hyperbole were true, there are some people with conservative principles willing to step into the breach and run for office. My guest this week is one of them. Tanya Granic Allen is a wife, mother, professional communicator, parental rights advocate—and a practicing Catholic. In 2018, despite rising popularity among Ontario voters, she was removed (illegally?) by Premier Doug Ford as a candidate for the Progressive Conservative Party leadership. That’s a longer side-bar story, but in this interview, she talks about “social conservative” values and how they shape voters’ decisions as much as economic or other factors. Her presidency of PAFE (Parents As First Educators) put pro-family, anti-sex education concerns in the public’s mind, which is a rare set of priorities in a Canadian politician. (Even privately pro-life ones are generally chicken to talk about it.) But this unabashedly pro-life Catholic leader is a sign of great hope for a country under the spell of rabid secularism for too long.   In this episode you will learn The explicitly Christian roots of Canada, as seen in Coats of Arms, and the founding documents of the country How Quebec is a sign of what happens when faith is taken for granted, and then widely rejected in favor of worship of the state, er province Why parents’ rights have now taken a front-and-center place in the public debate over the future Why the Church calls Catholics to enter public service as elected officers  How you can recognize politics as a dirty game, yet not adopt its corrupt assumptions and traditions Why Tanya Granic Allen sees signs of great hope for the future of Canada, with Muslims, Christians, and unbelievers holding to the same basic ideals for an open and democratic Canada   Resources mentioned in this episode “I've been slandered. It's time to set the facts straight” article in The National Post by Tanya Granic Allen Under Mary's Mantle: Our Lady's Love for Canada by Father Emile-Marie Brière Sit Down TV debate featuring Tanya Granic Allen (what happened to Doug Ford’s head?) and other Progressive Conservative Party candidates

#356: Hope For Canadian Politics—Tanya Granic Allen

#356: Hope For Canadian Politics—Tanya Granic Allen
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