J1ST 109: CST Death Penalty

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In this episode we continue on in our series on Catholic Social Teaching. Today we discuss the 2nd (of 31 topics), the Death Penalty   The Death Penalty is interesting because Catholic Social Teaching on this topic has changed! As the world advances and in most places societies have the ability to keep a violent, dangerous person away from the population, the Church no longer sees the use of the death penalty as acceptable, and urges us all to work to eliminate its practice.   Again, sharing personal stories in an effort to help you find your own stories, I share about the murder of my Uncle Donny, and why my family did not seek the death penalty. I also share about the impact of the Timothy McVeigh execution, and a powerful example of a couple of nuns. Finally, we talk through a few of the adjacent topics that children will likely need you to speak to including the Criminal Justice System and victim rights.   Catholic Social Teaching for Youth is not on sale yet, but will be soon. Look for the book to be on sale in May!   In the meantime, please use this Catholic Social Teaching Cheat Sheet. It outlines what the Church teaches on each topic and offers you a brief description of the beauty we should reinforce as we teach.    Get it here: https://omniform1.com/forms/v1/landingPage/61ba0f0cbe1f5d001d03c28e/64110c69b09e89c71966c120   Thank you for listening to the Just One Small Thing Podcast. Tuning in each week means so very much! Want to hear more great Catholic content perfect for the whole family? Make sure to tune in each day to the CATHOLIC SPROUTS PODCAST. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-sprouts-podcast/   Looking for a way to support this podcast? Here are some ideas: Say a prayer for us! This would be SUCH a gift! Share this podcast with a friend! Purchase something in the Catholic Sprouts Shop: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/  Drop Nancy an email at nancy@catholicsprouts.com with a word of encouragement or an idea for a future episode.   This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!   Your sister in the small things, Nancy  

J1ST 109: CST Death Penalty

J1ST 109: CST Death Penalty
Release Date
