Episode 5: Organizing for Growth with Liz Jenkins

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Liz Jenkins has a knack not just for organizing other people’s stuff, but putting the time and effort into organizing her own business for sustained growth. Jenkins is a certified professional organizer, and started her business A Fresh Space in 2005 in Franklin, Tennessee. Yes, she was a solopreneur at the time. Over the last 13 years, Liz has grown her business into a successful 12-person company, focusing on residential organizing, move management and business consulting. They have recently added a handyman division. Her National Association of Productivity and Organizing professionals contributions include chairing the 2015 NAPO conference in L.A, speaking at several NAPO conferences including the Ask The Organizer panel and a breakout session, nearly every board position in NAPO Nashville, and is currently the chair of the special interest groups. What you’ll learn about in this episode: Insights on growing your business from solopreneur to multi-person company How staffing frees you up to improve processes AND gets jobs done faster – happy you, happy client Factoring in profit from employee labor as well as project costs Growing a business means doing what you do well and learning to delegate the rest Why trying something, making mistakes and learning is far superior to standing still Facing and addressing those things in your business that scare you Tips on managing and offering perks for part-time employees Why it’s ok to post pricing so potential clients know what they are getting into How to avoid spinning your wheels on things that don’t increase customer satisfaction or the bottom line

Episode 5: Organizing for Growth with Liz Jenkins

Episode 5: Organizing for Growth with Liz Jenkins
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