Break Through the Blocks with Steven Pressfield: The War of Art

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In this episode of the Moonshots Podcast, hosts Mike and Mark dive into Steven Pressfield's The War of Art. This powerful book uncovers the inner battle that creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone pursuing a meaningful life must face. Pressfield discusses the universal enemy he calls “Resistance”—the force that prevents us from doing our best work and reaching our potential.Listen to the full episode here: Moonshots Podcast: The War of Art by Steven PressfieldWatch the episode on YouTube: The War of Art - Moonshots PodcastCheck out this link: The War of Art Summary by Apollo Advisor for a detailed book summary.Become a Moonshots Member today and unlock exclusive content: Become a Member on PatreonBuy the book from Amazon: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield • Intro: Steven Pressfield starts by connecting with listeners to discuss how we all face the same internal challenges in our creative journeys. (Clip: Winning the War) • Main Discussion: Pressfield shares insights on feeling lost in the wilderness and how embracing periods of exile can ultimately lead to personal growth. This section also dives into the classic “Hero’s Journey” and how to navigate it. (Clip: Hero’s Journey) • Actionable Advice: The Productivity Game breaks down the daily battle we all face with Resistance and offers strategies to combat it head-on. (Clip: Embrace & Face Resistance) • Outro: Pressfield wraps up by emphasizing the power of dreams and how to find your calling, even when you’re feeling lost. He encourages listeners to do the inner work necessary to uncover their true purpose. (Clip: Inner Work)Key Concepts and Insights: • The Nature of Resistance: Resistance is the invisible force that opposes us when we attempt to achieve something meaningful. It’s universal and unrelenting, but understanding its nature is the first step toward overcoming it. • Periods of Exile and Growth: Feeling lost or stuck is often part of the creative process. However, these moments of exile can also be valuable opportunities for growth, as long as we persist and learn from the experience. • The Hero’s Journey: Every person embarking on a creative or entrepreneurial path undergoes a hero’s journey. By embracing the challenges and setbacks, we can emerge more robust and aligned with our purpose. • Facing Resistance Daily: Consistently showing up and doing the work, even when Resistance is at its strongest, is the key to long-term success and fulfillment. • Finding Your Calling: Pursuing your dreams and discovering your calling requires inner work and the courage to face uncertainty and doubt.Listen to the full episode here: Moonshots Podcast: The War of Art by Steven PressfieldWatch the episode on YouTube: The War of Art - Moonshots PodcastCheck out this link: The War of Art Summary by Apollo Advisor for a detailed book summary.Become a Moonshots Member today and unlock exclusive content: Become a Member on PatreonBuy the book from Amazon: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.
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Break Through the Blocks with Steven Pressfield: The War of Art

Break Through the Blocks with Steven Pressfield: The War of Art
Release Date
