Prepare for a Big Astrological Week Ahead!

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Join Living Astrology with Janet Hickox Mondays and Fridays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and energy report featuring AstroDesign. Live on the Living Astrology Facebook page and Living Astrology YouTube page

Rest and /or have fun this weekend as next week (beginning Sunday) we have a lot going on in the heavens above! The fun begins Sunday with Venus' move into Virgo - the first sign change for her since June 25! Then Pluto turns direct, and Mars moves into Scorpio, and we end the week with a Libran New Moon Solar Eclipse! Breathe!!


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Prepare for a Big Astrological Week Ahead!

Prepare for a Big Astrological Week Ahead!
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