From Full-time Physician to Successful Entrepreneur, Interview with Katrina Ubell

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In this episode, we interview Katrina Ubell and learn about her journey of transitioning from being a full-time physician to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Katrina Ubell is a pediatrician who worked in a private practice for over 10 years. She is now a certified life and weight-loss coach who has successfully helped over 1,300 physicians overcome/solve their weight-loss dilemmas. Growing up, owning a company, or starting a business was never in the picture for her. Katrina doesn't have any business background, but she grew interested in becoming an entrepreneur after catching just a glimpse of it. When she was in medical school, her body weight became an issue for her. Over the course of her training, she kept gaining and losing weight and could not figure out a way to lose the weight and keep it off. As she was approaching the age of 40, she did a life reevaluation. It was then she discovered life coaching and it changed her perspective entirely. It helped her to understand why what she was doing before wasn't working, and what she needed to change moving forward. 2016 was a pivotal year for her. She was able to lose the weight she had been struggling with for years, but still, she wasn’t entirely fulfilled. She was feeling trapped in her medical practice and wanted to try something new while assisting her clients in getting results. She attended various webinars and courses where she learned how to run a business. That was her stepping stone in terms of broadening her base of understanding and building out a foundation for herself. It became a snowball effect from there as she felt empowered by helping others reach their weight-loss goals. Everything happened gradually. At first, building a team and learning how to manage and lead people, were not among her priorities. As she ran her business, she started hiring people -- sharing ideas and building things together. Even when she had people helping her out with the technical side of the business, Katrina was still attending courses herself. With first-hand experience, Katrina now teaches her students to trust themselves and their intuition. She strongly believes "it's not always the experts that know everything, you know a lot more than you give yourself credit for”. Though things looked like it was smooth sailing for her, Katrina still had her rough times. There were things that just didn’t work out well for her. She says, “Entrepreneurship was amazing and difficult at the same time”. She hired a publicist as she was working on  attracting a literary agent for promotion - to get a book deal. This was towards the end of 2020, and without getting into more detail, Katrina and her team did not do their due diligence on her. She learned a lot from that experience and says, "it's easy to be like, I met this person and they seem great. It's a good idea before you really move forward to check a person out." Success for Katrina means to keep going. She believes it’s continuing to persevere through the hard parts. She also continually works on herself like she always has to grow as a business owner and a leader. The impact that she wants to make on other people and on herself is what keeps her motivated and determined. She has the willingness to fight the odds while learning and growing. For Katrina, true wealth is having the finances to live your day-to-day exactly as you want. She believes that you should also find balance. Whatever that balance is, you should allow time to take care of yourself, time to do your work, and time to spend with the people who are most important to you. Have someone who you think should be featured in a future episode? Comment and let us know on our socials! Also, don’t forget to share and leave us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts if you loved this episode! 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From Full-time Physician to Successful Entrepreneur, Interview with Katrina Ubell

From Full-time Physician to Successful Entrepreneur, Interview with Katrina Ubell
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