189|Health Re-imagined, Based on Your DNA with Olympian and Genetics Expert Andrew Steele

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With all the changes that have been happening in the world of genetics, how can we re-imagine our health? Olympian and genetics expert Andrew Steele shares about Circle DNA, and how you can personalise your health, fitness, and wellbeing through DNA testing.
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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

How you can personalise your health, fitness, and wellbeing through DNA testing.

How our understanding of genetics has changed in the last couple of years as it relates to diet and nutrition

What Circle DNA is all about

Epigenetics and the lifestyle changes that you can make with what your genes tell you about YOU

Key Takeaways:

There's a gene called ACTN3 which is probably the most researched gene elite power and performance. You can either have the CC genotype, the TT genotype, or the CT genotype.

The CC or the CT genotype of the ACTN3 are extremely over-represented in elite power athletes.

Historically, research was largely funded for genetic research into life-changing medical conditions. What's happened in the last couple of years, as the technology has become cheaper and cheaper to do the laboratory part of the process, research has now included lifestyle and health.

The cheaper the technology becomes, the more research can be done cheaply, therefore the better discoveries can be made and the better products you can make from them become cheaper.

Circle DNA is the world's most comprehensive direct-to-consumer DNA test.

Action Steps:

Get DNA testing and find out:

What type of exercise your body responds best to

How you should structure your eating plan

How you can work with your genes and not against them

Andrew said:
"Genetics is only one part of the picture, albeit a power part of the picture nonetheless.""In the last couple of years, there has been a further [democratisation] and a mass understanding of the role of genetics in things outside of just the clinical context."
Links to things mentioned in the show:


Circle DNA Website - use code BODYSHOT25 for a whopping 25% off!

If you're interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test to find out, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.
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More from Andrew Steele:
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Andrew's  Instagram -(@andrewsteele)
Andrew's Personal Website
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189|Health Re-imagined, Based on Your DNA with Olympian and Genetics Expert Andrew Steele

189|Health Re-imagined, Based on Your DNA with Olympian and Genetics Expert Andrew Steele
Release Date
