8 Biggest Lessons of Private Practice in 2020 #173

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Find out how well your business is doing by taking our Healthy Private Practice Assessment: https://2dtyclgi7f9.typeform.com/to/ksG0SUu7 John returns for a solo episode where he outlines the 8 biggest lessons he's learned in 2020, and how he plans to incorporate these lessons into 2021 and beyond. Lessons learned include: Hold your plans loosely Keep sight of the bigger mission Therapists are now more important than EVER before Care for yourself first so that you can care for others     Have a cash reserve Be nimble, stay nimble (prepare for ongoing evolution of how therapy is delivered and consumed) Diversify your income streams (examples: courses (including installments), mastermind groups, affiliate revenue (BIG one), VA doing work for other people, etc.) Keep designing your business around the life you want (imagine your perfect day. Example: surf from 7-10 every morning, work 11-5 M-Th, separate days for separate parts of the business, minimal team)

8 Biggest Lessons of Private Practice in 2020 #173

8 Biggest Lessons of Private Practice in 2020 #173
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