337: New Research On Gut Trigger For Chronic Urticaria Hives (And What I See In Clients)

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If you’ve found it frustrating that no one can tell you why you have chronic urticaria hives (including chronic spontaneous urticaria, dermatographia, and even angioedema), I feel you.Especially when IgE allergies are ruled out (testing is negative) or even avoiding what you’re allergic to isn’t helpful. At that point, most doctors will say that there is no answer or clear trigger to what causes urticaria, basically leaving you with an increasing number of medications that may or may not help to control your skin.To say that this leaves many like you feeling enormously helpless and hopeless is an understatement.In my clinical practice, I’ve worked with many cases of chronic urticaria hives around the globe, helping to troubleshoot when doctors have all but given up in seeking an answer. Some cases have dated back decades, often having been seen at some of the most prestigious health institutions only to be told that there’s nothing to be done beyond antihistamines (which have their own problematic side effects) and biologics like Xolair.I love helping people stop having hives and urticaria, especially since I get to explore the complex causes of chronic urticaria, which conventional medicine often ignores or assumes is impossible. So when new research starts pointing out connections to what I have seen in practice, I must share it!If you missed my previous article on hidden causes of chronic urticaria, check it out here! This will help you see that what this new paper demonstrates is highlighting a big missing link to chronic spontaneous urticaria, hives, and other histamine-driven issues.Before we dig into gut-chronic urticaria hives connection, I highly recommend that you download my Skin Rash Root Cause Finder. This is the exact method I’ve used with thousands of my private clients to help them discover what’s really causing their rash (and yes, this works for hives, dermatographia and angioedema issues) >> Get the easy-to-use Skin Rash Root Cause Finder.In This Episode:Chronic urticaria (hives) gut causesProblems with urticaria treatment options (even Xolair)Gut imbalances noted in chronic spontaneous urticaria (hives)What are lipopolysaccharides + short-chain fatty acids (and why are they important)?Key findings from new research on gut-skin connection (specifically for hives)Quotes“The incidence of true histamine intolerance is much lower than you’re led to believe and is based on old assumptions that need a serious update.”“Nearly 50% of those living with urticaria experience depression and anxiety (especially when the flare-ups are severe).”LinksGut microbiota facilitate chronic spontaneous urticariaHealthy Skin Show ep. 261: Chronic Hives: Why Aren’t They Going AwayHealthy Skin Show ep. 265: Problem with Antihistamines That No One Tells You w/ Dr. Chris Thompson, MDHealthy Skin Show ep. 317: Itchy, Painful Rash From Thyroid Disease: Your Guide to Stopping ItHealthy Skin Show ep. 188: Histamine Intolerance + Skin Rashes (PART 1)

337: New Research On Gut Trigger For Chronic Urticaria Hives (And What I See In Clients)

337: New Research On Gut Trigger For Chronic Urticaria Hives (And What I See In Clients)
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