Ep.110: Fitness Research and Real Talk: Episode 3

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Welcome to the third episode of real talk! We are going through lighting fitness facts and research where we delve into major intriguing questions related to fitness and exercise:In this installment, we dive into two intriguing research studies that shed light on important aspects of athlete performance and training. In the first segment, we explore a systematic review from The Strength and Conditioning Journal, published in June 2023. The review centers on the fascinating topic of minimalist footwear and its impact on runners. Our hosts delve into the study's key findings, which are incredibly interesting!Listeners are treated to a thought-provoking discussion touching upon various facets of running mechanics. The conversation also delves into well-known minimalist footwear brands such as Vivo, Nike, Vibram, and others. Our experts address the importance of a gradual progression when transitioning to minimalist footwear and the significance of appropriately strengthening foot muscles!Enjoy!References:1. Linares-Martín, J. Á., & Rico-González, M. (2022). Influence of minimalist footwear in middle and long distance runners’ Physical Fitness, biomechanics, and injury incidence: A systematic review. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 45(3), 309–324. https://doi.org/10.1519/ssc.0000000000000748 2. Rey, E., Costa, P. B., Corredoira, F. J., & Sal de Rellán Guerra, A. (2023). Effects of age on physical match performance in professional soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(6), 1244–1249. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000003244 

Ep.110: Fitness Research and Real Talk: Episode 3

Ep.110: Fitness Research and Real Talk: Episode 3
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