28 Days Later Review

Release Date:

We managed to find a copy of 28 Days Later (which isn’t streaming anywhere, even Amazon) and were treated to the re-awakening of the zombie movie

@dgoebel00 on Instagram provided this amazing artwork. Follow him and check out his website



Some evil scientists were playing with fire and testing the effects of rage on Chimpanzees, when a group of radical extremists with Green Peace set the Apes free. 

One Ape attacked another and then everyone got angry, but not just angry, rageful. 

28 days later and our protagonist, Jim (Cillian Murphy) awakes from his medically induced coma to a deserted and dilapidated London. He wanders the streets before finding some angry higher apes and quickly learns not to tango with this “rage” stuff.

After Jim meets up with Selena (Naomie Harris), Frank (Brendan Gleeson), and Franks daughter they decide to brave the wilds of Great Britain to find a military outpost that’s sending a hopeful message over the airwaves.

Everyone get’s more apes than they bargained for.


28 Days Later is an important movie in the zombie genre. It’s not strictly a zombie movie, rather a re-imagining of a somewhat more likely scenario that could lead to something approximating a zombie movie outcome.

If rabies was weaponized, the outcome might look something like 28 Days Later. 

There was never a shortage of B zombie movies since their inception, and there never will be. But there have been lulls in the popularity of the zombies in general, and moments of revival - 28 Days Later is largely responsible for one of the biggest revivals of zombies in the zeitgeist. Arguably, this movie helped kick off some of the biggest zombie movies and games in the last 20 years.

There is no doubt that 28 Days Later is effective. The direction is great, the acting and script are pretty good too. 


More than anything, the theorycraft is impressive and logical - which is where the concept of zombies really catches the imagination of audiences.

The movie is dark, depraved, and hopeless, but manages to throw a little bit of family feeling in the somewhat slow second act that helps to redeem the pacing.

Overall, it’s great at what it does, and the soundtrack is phenomenal.

Watch 28 Days LaterBuy a Physical Copy on AmazonClick here to Buy



28 Days Later Review

28 Days Later Review
Release Date
