๐ŸŒธๆกœ Cherry Blossoms ๐ŸŒธๆกœ #prayforjapan


Hello friends! This week, I am starting the #prayforjapan series. The purpose of the #prayforjapan series is to pray for Japan through various topics within the Japanese culture. 
In this episode, I will be talking about cherry blossoms. In Japan, the cherry blossom season is when these flowers bloom. Japanese cherry trees bloom for a short time, symbolizing the transitory nature of life. We all live for a short time, and the present time is not something that we can ever get back, so we should appreciate each moment to the fullest.
The purpose of this podcast is to showcase how much God loves Japan through different stories of people. It is like God sending a care package to the ones He loves in Japan! If you would like to share your experience with us, please email carepackagetojapan@gmail.com, and we would love to have you on the podcast as well! Let's all continue to pray for Japan. #prayforjapan

๐ŸŒธๆกœ Cherry Blossoms ๐ŸŒธๆกœ #prayforjapan

๐ŸŒธๆกœ Cherry Blossoms ๐ŸŒธๆกœ #prayforjapan
