Little Maid - the story of Naaman the leper

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"Captain Naaman soon heard about what Little Maid had said. He agreed with her idea and soon he and his men got into their horse’s chariots and travelled straight to Elisha’s house in the far away land of Samaria. Upon arrival, Elisha’s servant opened the door with a message from the prophet Elisha. ‘The Captain is to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times and then he will be made well again.’ When he heard this instruction, Captain Naaman was outraged. Why should I have to wash in the dirty Jordan River? He thought angrily. The rivers of Damascus are far cleaner than all the waters in Israel. Why can’t I wash in them to be healed?   He began to walk away in frustration, but his loyal servants stopped him. ‘Sir, if the prophet had asked you to do something hard, you were prepared to do it. So why can’t you wash in the Jordan River, when it is so easy to do?’ " Today on the story we share the story of Naaman when God heals him from leprosy.  Tune in to listen to the whole story. Written by: Ashlee Price Amy & cousin's photo Special effect editing: James Wagner  music credit:  Email us: READ STORY ON BLOG:  REGISTER TO THE KIDS LIBRARY HERE Write to us: GIGI KIDS PODCAST PO BOX 6505 Mt Gravatt QLD 4113

Little Maid - the story of Naaman the leper

Little Maid - the story of Naaman the leper
Release Date
