Media Partnership - Decarbonizing the aviation sector: Aeroporti di Roma presents an Italian best practice

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On January 24, 2023, the event ‘Decarbonizing the aviation sector: Aeroporti di Roma presents an Italian best practice,’ was hosted at the European Parliament (Room ASP1G1), organized by Aeroporti di Roma (ADR).The purpose of the event was to explore at the European level the aim of the “Pact for the Decarbonisation of air transport”, promoted by ADR with the purpose to collect and disseminate scientific knowledge, through the support of experts from the academic world, by systematizing resources and skills from different sectors and realities active in the decarbonization process.The Pact was presented last April to the Italian Chamber of Deputies, with the patronage of two of the main Ministers in Italy and ENAC. The first Annual Congress of the Pact for the Decarbonisation of Air Transport was held at Leonardo da Vinci Airport in Rome Fiumicino, on September 21st, 2022.Now, given the European legislative context (ReFuel Aviation, ETS Aviation, Single European Sky+, etc.) ADR believes it would be vital to give the Patct visibility also in Brussels, showing how industrial players, institutional stakeholders, trade associations and the third sector are brought together with the aim of defining a road map to support the green transition and the climate neutrality objective of the entire sector in 2050; indeed, all the above actors are part of the Pact’s Steering Committee and are involved in its discussions and activities, including public events and round tables.For more information regarding the Pact, it is possible to visit the website dedicated to the initiative at the following link: www.decarbonizzazionetrasportoaereo.itOrganised by: Aeroporti di RomaMedia Partner: EURACTIV

Media Partnership - Decarbonizing the aviation sector: Aeroporti di Roma presents an Italian best practice

Media Partnership - Decarbonizing the aviation sector: Aeroporti di Roma presents an Italian best practice
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