Evolution Of Taste For The Audiophile

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Taste is the reason we get into hifi audio, being the driver of our interest and also being held captive by our changing interests along the journey.The longer you spend in the audiophile hobby, or more specifically the more you improve a system and make it more revealing and resolving, the better the chance your tastes in music and perhaps sound character overall will evolve.This is all part of the trip that is this gear-laden, expensive and dizzying hobby. A hobby where the goals change constantly, and where hitting moving targets is a necessary skill.Hosts Darren and Duncan talk about their own musical and audio evolutions, and the considerations and decisions that should be in play as a system changes.This week’s album recommendation comes from Mali, via a world famous acoustic guitarist with a bunch of great recordings.
 This podcast is powered by CommonGround Cables Whisper power cable. Read customer reviews and order your own at www.commongroundcables.com.Find all of our album recommendations in one place, at www.thehifipodcast.net.

Evolution Of Taste For The Audiophile

Evolution Of Taste For The Audiophile
Release Date
