Omicron Booster Science, Policy Ethics, Tribalism

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We deep dive into how our tribal divisions influence interpretations of science, ethics, and policy (topic list below).
Here's the Offit interview I mentioned.
Topic List

Omicron-specific boosters

Data on severe disease prevention and booster rationale

The challenges of case-control data for kids' vaccination

Evidence-based morality, ethical and practical considerations around vaccine mandates

Ethical and practical considerations around cooking pizza at home

Does repeated COVID infection harm you

Law vs. science and second order effects of legal decisions

Tribal division and taking joy in the suffering of the out-group

Stanford med school dean abortion letter controversy

Policing language vs. real policy issues

Outrage culture

The abortion mess

Jonathan Haidt's "Great Untruths"

When Covidians turn on their own

Taking offense vs. assuming good intent and how to organically promote changes in language

When "science" museums behave like buttheads

Loyalty on the left vs. the right

Ayn Rand and young people

Iodinated salt and MORE

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Omicron Booster Science, Policy Ethics, Tribalism

Omicron Booster Science, Policy Ethics, Tribalism
Release Date
