How Childhood Experiences Impact Our Health

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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic events that can undermine a child's sense of safety and well-being. They can include emotional abuse, exposure to substance use, sexual abuse, having a member of the household be incarcerated, and having separated or divorced parents. According to research, including studies published by this week’s guest expert, ACEs may have a negative impact on a person’s health and behavioral outcomes later in life.  Our guest this week is Dr. Tracy Jackson. She is an epidemiologist at the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), and analyzes the State’s data on young people’s risks, behaviors, and health issues. Co-hosts Dr. Jim McDonald and Dr. Philip Chan talk about how ACE’s have impacted some of their patients and ask Dr. Jackson about the most common trends of ACEs here in Rhode Island.  What effect do ACEs have on a person's health once they reach adulthood? What can be done to prevent ACEs from occurring? Download this week’s episode to find out.  Note: RIDOH has a variety of programs and partnerships that are aimed at preventing adverse childhood experiences through support for communities, parents, and families and improving health outcomes in adults. Click here for more information.  

How Childhood Experiences Impact Our Health

How Childhood Experiences Impact Our Health
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