The ONE Thing You Must Never Sacrifice w/Director Alex Liu | Ep #42


“Your integrity provides the evidence you need to live and accomplish your dreams.” -Dr. Jamal
“Your will and your belief in yourself is your superpower.” -Alex Liu
In this episode Dr. Jamal and Director Alex Liu chat about the importance, and process, of living in integrity to yourself, as well as and the power integrity has to change your life. Here are some highlights:
- When you’re out of integrity, it predisposes you to burnout. (01:25)
- Your integrity creates your boundaries. (04:00)
- When you follow through with the things you tell yourself you’re going to do, you build trust with yourself. (05:00)
- Breaking integrity with yourself weakens your spiritual power and ability to manifest what you want. (05:45)
- Level 1 integrity: Starting to trust yourself. Level 2: An evolution of awakening, which leads to feeling like you can go “all in”. (09:00)
- You are either stagnant, or you’re moving. Stagnancy is a sign of sickness. (13:17)
- Integrity starts with knowing yourself, and knowing yourself is self-love. (15:03)
- Integrity gives structure and direction to the energy that is within you. (18:40)
- Without intention, you are drifting. (19:35)
- When you are living in integrity, your will becomes inevitable. (23:23)
- Don’t fake it til you make it. Be it until you become it. (24:20)
-  You can always start over and build again. If you haven’t been living in integrity, give yourself grace and take the opportunity to start now. (33:05)
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Connect to Director Alex Liu on IG: @directoralexliu
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The ONE Thing You Must Never Sacrifice w/Director Alex Liu | Ep #42

The ONE Thing You Must Never Sacrifice w/Director Alex Liu | Ep #42
