The Key Components To Rebuilding Oneself From Burnout While Working In Healthcare w/Ashley Taylor RN-BC, FMCHC | Ep #65


In this episode, Dr. Jamal and Ashley dive explore the ins and outs of navigating burnout, identity, values and expression throughout her journey with the pandemic as a nurse the last few years. Crippled by burnout in 2018, she was forced to take a powerful look in the mirror in life and discover not only herself but a natural way of living.

04:00 - 2018, the burnout and being forced to leave the hospital setting.

06:00 - Without this job, who am I? Navigating a loss of an identity

What did this job represent for you?
Intelligence and an ability to provide for self 

08:00 - The importance to receive 

The absence of nurturing and its impact 

13:30 - The desire to be significant and of status* 

The meaning of status 
“Once I am THEN” 

16:00 - The focus of society is achievement (the masculine) **

SMOs*** injected values outside in **
17:30 with their health and mind* 

18:30 - Denying what feels right for oneself* 

Putting the needs of putting others in front of

20:30 - The journey of knowing self**

How did you go learning about yourself?

24:40 - How have you navigated being misunderstood?

Isolation. Fear. Integrity!!!
We’re not above people*, reminding people to do what is right for them 28:00 

32:30 - The power of Caring about people. Metabolic health, emotional health *

Communication, empathy, philosophy and mastering them all!! 

36:00 - People. don’t realize they’re giving away their autonomy**

Not outsourcing your life* 

40:00 - children and walking, not giving up is natural**
41:00 - programming, beliefs, you can do the exact something, but its about the energy. 

The story and intention is as important. You don’t have to be who you always were* 

43:30 A sense. Of responsibility for our own suffering* 

45:00 -  Brushing the trauma underneath the rug*

Dropping the armor and weapon.. are you aware?*** 

49:00 - The altering of your genes through lack of integrated trauma* 

Epigenetics & expression. Your perception of your perceived expression
Sourcing love from within, becoming your own best friend** 

52:30 - Creating the environment in order for you to melt* 

55:00 - Coping mechanisms and the opposite to help free and  help you

What has been your coping mechanism that helped you advance through life? 
What is your emotional home? 


High Maintenance Hippie w/Ashley Taylor 


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The Key Components To Rebuilding Oneself From Burnout While Working In Healthcare w/Ashley Taylor RN-BC, FMCHC | Ep #65

The Key Components To Rebuilding Oneself From Burnout While Working In Healthcare w/Ashley Taylor RN-BC, FMCHC | Ep #65
