The Ability To Hold Paradox w/Dr. Danielle Cornelius | Ep. #27


1:30 - Moving forward from the root, from the center4:30 strategies on how to come back to centerSit with the feelings vs. Use them as fuel to attack*Working with the place where the body meets the spirit Moderation of the nervous system Create the space and time 06:20 - Emotional releases and allowing Contraction and expansion** It’s who you are and BE vs. What you do 9:30 - Shifting paradigm with health What if it was about restoration vs were already depleted ?We’ve been socialized differently 12:30 - Animals move on from death* Releasing and allowing stress to move through Waking the tiger 15:30 - What is trauma and how to heal through it. Animals process things in the now***We can get stuck more often 17:15 - the middle space is the deepest space Colonialism wants to separate everything Mind and body are intertwined 20:15 - Dancing in the comfort zone and natures cycles Ebb and flow Seasons of nature and being able to apply 22:30 - Healing is spiralic nature** Biodiversity is everything Viruses live in the second dimension and become activated when we’re out of alignment 28:00 - The interruption of capitalism**Come back to nature The not listening*31:00 - Disruption of the systems is what we need The pívot of the introverted worldThe return to home the last 2 years It was a big chiropractic adjustment 😂33:30 - Tapping into the legacies before us 36:30 - Humility and finding the space between Being in the parasympathetic and how it opens us up to life 38:00 - Conquertizing what we believe in. True scientists are trying to prove themselves wrong Allowing for appreciation > pushing things 41:00 - Moving away from war!! The skill of empathy!! Discussion > reacfion and hierarchy 42:00 - Navigating paradox in thought form in translates to the body It’s more sustainable, it leads to more expansion A more complete reality 45:00 - Practice and cultivate not being so afraid of the dark and uncertaintyLetting things goRelax into what is Resources:Wild Feminine - Tammy Kent PTCycles of nature - Dr. Danielle Cornelius IG: @SourcechirotucsonSocial Media:Instagram: @VitalvaginaPodcast: Vital Vagina Website -


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The Ability To Hold Paradox w/Dr. Danielle Cornelius | Ep. #27

The Ability To Hold Paradox w/Dr. Danielle Cornelius | Ep. #27
