Keys to Being Happy & Authentic As A Healthcare Professional w/Dr. Bo Cicak | Ep #41


“Don’t play by the rules that were laid out for you by the previous generation.” -Dr. Bo Cicak
About Dr. Bo:
Dr. Bo Cicak recently wrapped up 5 years of serving the San Diego area to step away and take a break from chiropractic. He was burned out and in desperate need of a reset. After traveling, resetting his body and mind, and charging up his energy, he is returning to a new office with a fresh perspective and renewed passion for chiropractic.
In this episode Dr. Jamal and Dr. Bo chat about establishing yourself as a new doctor, healthcare professional burnout, and the importance of rest. They also answer these questions:
- Why is it important to market yourself as a healthcare professional? (02:40)
- What was your journey like as you worked to establish yourself as a chiropractor? (04:57)
- As a practitioner, how can your social media content build trust with people? (13:00)
- What is the easiest way to build trust with people and social media content? (15:35)
- What happens when healthcare providers allow their job to become their identity? (19:07)
- Why do we keep doing what we have “always done”? (It’s not working.) (25:30)
- What happens when you give yourself permission to go on a field trip and take a break? (29:15)
- What does it mean to have a service-based mindset? (32:13)
- How can we, as providers, let go of attachment? (38:20)
- How do you get people to think beyond their current paradigm? (40:00)
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Connect to Dr. Bo on IG: @drboknows
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Keys to Being Happy & Authentic As A Healthcare Professional w/Dr. Bo Cicak | Ep #41

Keys to Being Happy & Authentic As A Healthcare Professional w/Dr. Bo Cicak | Ep #41
