July bonus - Fun scientific facts

Release Date:

Dodi and Conor welcome colleague Kaycee Palumbo for the Discovery Matters special of "Did you know?"

Drugged-out hallucinating zombie cicadas 
Zombie ants
30 000-year-old fruit in Siberian permafrost
50 interesting facts about Biotechnology
The human genome - about 99.9% of human DNA is the same. It is the other 0.1% that codes for all of the differences that make each person unique.
The length of the human DNA compared to the world - each cell contains about 2m worth of DNA, if you stretch it end to end, It would measure up to be twice the diameter of the solar system
Small water pools in Mexico can show us the early seas/life on earth
How gut bacteria influence us.


July bonus - Fun scientific facts

July bonus - Fun scientific facts
Release Date
