Extra – Thunder Phase! at GROGMEETish2020 (with Paul & Gaz)

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GROGMEET2020, the fifth annual meet-up of the GROGSQUAD, had to be held online to avoid pathogens. It didn’t stop us having a fantastic weekend which included a Pub Quiz, a Mausritter Tournament Dungeon, and an eclectic mix of games over four time-slots: seventy sessions in total. To end the event we recorded this live panel … Continue reading "Extra – Thunder Phase! at GROGMEETish2020 (with Paul & Gaz)"
The post Extra – Thunder Phase! at GROGMEETish2020 (with Paul & Gaz) first appeared on The GROGNARD Files.

Extra – Thunder Phase! at GROGMEETish2020 (with Paul & Gaz)

Extra – Thunder Phase! at GROGMEETish2020 (with Paul & Gaz)
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