Ep12: Improving Symptoms of Autoimmune Disorders with DTx Solutions

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As an engineer, Melinda Decker could have designed widgets or Styrofoam cups or even gone into winemaking. But her passion for improving patient outcomes led her to digital therapeutics, and eventually to Mymee, a direct-to-consumer platform that helps people with autoimmune disorders manage their symptoms.
Mymee recognizes that behavior change is hard, so they combine a user-friendly app and data analytics with health coaching, to help users identify their triggers and make long-lasting lifestyle changes that lessen the severity of their symptoms and improve their overall health. Since its founding in 2017, Mymee has collaborated on two publications and recently closed a funding round of $8.7 million.
Join Eugene and Melinda’s conversation about digital therapeutics vs. disease management and the path the Mymee team took to getting their solution off the ground.

>>Click here to read the transcript

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Ep12: Improving Symptoms of Autoimmune Disorders with DTx Solutions

Ep12: Improving Symptoms of Autoimmune Disorders with DTx Solutions
Release Date
