How to Optimize Google AdWords in 2016 – JACOB BAADSGAARD | DMR #165

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Today I'm joined by a man who’s helped over 2,000 businesses grow, using the power of pay-per-click advertising and website optimization. He’s a passionate entrepreneur, on a mission to help businesses achieve online marketing success. Welcome to DMR, Jacob Baadsgaard. [You can find Jacob over at]

On this episode of Digital Marketing Radio we discuss how to Optimize Google AdWords in 2016, with topics including:

Should Google Adwords still be one of the primary online advertising considerations for most businesses?
Where are the opportunities in AdWords in 2016?
What are the common mistakes that you see businesses making with AdWords?
What are the biggest changes that you’ve seen in Google Adwords over the past few months?
Where are the key opportunities with AdWords at the moment?
What about device targeting? How do you best segment your ad campaigns to target different types of devices?
What kind of ad copy are you finding to be effective at the moment?
And what about best practice for landing pages?

[Tweet ""Go talk to your sales team to solidify your marketing programme." @jakebaadsgaard"]
Software I couldn't live without
What software do you currently use in your business that if someone took away from you, it would significantly impact your marketing success?
Salesforce [CRM]
What software don't you use, but you've heard good things about, and you've intended to try at some point in the near future?
Domo [Business intelligence software] [Business intelligence software]
My number 1 takeaway
What's the single most important step from our discussion that our listeners need to take away and implement in their businesses?
Go talk to your sales team to solidify your marketing programme.

How to Optimize Google AdWords in 2016 – JACOB BAADSGAARD | DMR #165

How to Optimize Google AdWords in 2016 – JACOB BAADSGAARD | DMR #165
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