A Journey To Be The First US Black Woman Chess Master w/ Rochelle Ballantyne

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041 You may know her as one of the featured students from the 2012 documentary, Brooklyn Castle.  A superb film that covered a low-income, junior high school’s talented chess team. One of the main students the film explored was the inspiring story of Rochelle Ballantyne.Ten years after its release, Rochelle is now a 3rd-year law student at New York University.She also recently re-committed to her goal of becoming the first American Black woman to earn the NM title.In this episode, we cover:Reflections on the impact Brooklyn Castle has had on her life.Why Rochelle chose to put more effort and time into earning the NM title.Her insights on being a black woman in a predominantly male, white chess community.The shifting importance and meaning of chasing the NM title in her life.Where to Watch Brooklyn Castle:YouTube Link for Brooklyn CastleAmazon DVD of Brooklyn Castle--------Want to join my exclusive community for adult chess improvers?Chess Improver Monthly offers:Group coaching & game review from titled players to help your chess.Submit guest questions & private episode discussions for The Chess Experience Podcast.Live video chats w/ me & fellow adult improvers to have fun & stay motivated.Much more!Check out all the membership benefits here.--------->> Join my official FREE club for The Chess Experience on Chess.com<< (PROMOTION)

A Journey To Be The First US Black Woman Chess Master w/ Rochelle Ballantyne

A Journey To Be The First US Black Woman Chess Master w/ Rochelle Ballantyne
Release Date
